Vera Gemma at Verissimo confirms the relationship with Gué Pequeno

by time news

A Very true Vera Gemma confirmed the gossip about a relationship with Gué Pequeno. “When I came here as a guest last time I told you that I was single but that auditions were open… and I had already scheduled an audition for the following evening! That audition was with Gué Pequeno, an audition that took place after a long friendship via chat. – explained the actress and director to Silvia Toffanin – We wrote to each other and shared many things. I also wrote to him when I was in Los Angeles because my film was among the possible Oscar candidates. He has a lot of taste for art, he is intelligent and profound. He is far from the rapper stereotype, I am happy and proud to have shared time with him.”

Vera Gemma and Gué Pequeno are together

“What the future holds is unknown, what will be will be. I will return in two months to take stock of the situation. I am dangerous and you can’t know what will happen from one moment to the next”, added Vera Gemma about hers relationship with Gué Pequeno. Giuliano Gemma’s daughter has been dividing her time between America and Italy for some time while the singer lives in Milan.

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