VIDEO – Pooja according to Hindu ritual to start government project; Blocked by DMK MP | National | Deshabhimani

by time news

CHENNAI> DMK MP Dr. has blocked Bhoomi Puja as per Hindu belief before the start of government project in Tamil Nadu. Senthil Kumar. The MP objected to the initiation of a government scheme which required a secular ceremony to be conducted by a particular religious faith. The video footage has also been released.

In the video, the MP reached the place where the ceremony was held and scolded the officials for conducting the ceremony according to Hindu customs, and angrily demanded that it be done only if pastors from the Christian mosque and imams from the Muslim mosque were called.

|He said that this is a Dravidian ceremony and this ceremony should be the same for everyone whether Hindu, Muslim or non-religious. He also scolded the officials for violating the government orders and conducting the ceremony according to a particular religious belief.

He asked whether the government is conducting Hindu religious worship to chant the Sanskrit Vedic mantra. The MP sent back the officials and the priest who had attended the ceremony.

“What is going on here? Where are the other religions? Where is the Christian, where is the Muslim, where is the Dravidian, where is the non-religious. Call them. Call the pastor from the church, call the imam, call everyone. Call those who do not believe in God. Welcome everyone. Clear it all. Put it on hold.

Why are you doing this? Do you have a suggestion for this or not?. Don’t you know what this shows? Don’t you realize that you are a government official? This is a ceremony for everyone, a ceremony for Dravidians,” MP Senthil Kumar said.

At the same time, he later clarified that he was not against offering prayers as Tamil Nadu has a Dravidian model of governance where all religions are treated equally and the government is for all religions. But the MP instructed the officials to include all religions in it. MP inaugurated the project after Bhoomi Puja was stopped.

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