Villagers Urgently Request Government Agencies to Address Water Hyacinth Infestation in Bang Sala Canal, Ang Thong Province | Mosquito Breeding Ground and Dengue Fever Carrier

by time news

2023-07-24 11:15:00
Water hyacinths have become a major issue in the Bang Sala Canal in Chaiyo District, Ang Thong Province, causing distress among villagers and prompting pleas to government agencies for swift action. Over the course of several months, these invasive plants have completely filled the canal, obstructing the waterway and resulting in stagnant water and a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

The condition of the canal has reached a critical point, with water hyacinths growing for hundreds of meters and tightly packing the canal. The dense growth has not only hindered the flow of water but also created an ideal environment for mosquitoes to thrive. Dengue fever, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, has been spreading rapidly in the area, adding to the urgency of the situation.

According to villagers living along the canal, the water hyacinths started spreading a few months ago and gradually filled up the entire waterway. As a result, the water flow has been disrupted, leading to stagnation and decay. The growing mosquito population has made daily life unbearable for the residents, who have to use mosquito-repellent sprays and swatters constantly to protect themselves.

The affected villagers are now urging relevant government agencies to expedite the removal of the water hyacinths. In the past, authorities have only sprayed smoke to eliminate mosquitoes, without addressing the root cause of the problem – the rampant growth of water hyacinths. Given their rapid reproduction rate, it is essential for the responsible agency to focus on finding a lasting solution that addresses the underlying issue and provides relief to the affected villagers.

The impact of this water hyacinth infestation goes beyond the inconvenience caused by stagnant water and increased mosquito activity; it threatens the entire way of life for the villagers who rely on the canal for various activities. The urgency to resolve the situation has intensified as the adverse effects on public health and the local economy continue to escalate.

It is now the responsibility of government agencies to take immediate action, working in collaboration with the affected communities, to eradicate the water hyacinths from the canal. The successful removal of these invasive plants will not only restore the waterway but also bring relief to the villagers who have been suffering from the consequences of this environmental problem.]
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