Vines cut off from Fugatti’s cousins, messages of solidarity pour in for the Trentino governor – News

by times news cr

2024-04-13 22:44:57

BELLUNO VERONESE. Numerous i messages of solidarity sent to Maurizio Fugatti (Pat photo)after unknown persons, the other night, cut 80 vines from a winery in Belluno Veroneseowned by some cousins ​​of the president of the Province autonomous of Trento. A banner with the inscription was left at the site “Thank those who kill bears”. It should therefore be a retaliation by animal rights activists. The police are investigating.

“I address my heartfelt solidarity to President Maurizio Fugatti and his family. I express firm condemnation of what happened to their detriment. I hope that those responsible will soon be identified and that these serious initiatives will be adequately sanctioned.” Thus the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana.

“My solidarity and closeness to President Fugatti and his family, victims of yet another unworthy intimidation by those who, cowardly hiding behind anonymity, think of intimidating the action and thought of the country’s democratic institutions. These are gestures intolerable and infamous who must be condemned, certain that the authors will be punished”. So in a note Nicola MolteniUndersecretary of the Interior.

The president of the Provincial Council of Trento Claudio Soini expresses “total solidarity with the president of the Autonomous Province for what happened to the relatives due to the commitment made by the executive in the management policies of large carnivores”.

“I want to express my solidarity and that of the Veneto Region with the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento and his family for the intimidating act suffered this night in a vineyard in the Veneto region, in Brentino Belluno in the province of Verona. The difference of ideas it can be manifested without leading to acts that cannot be defined as demonstrative because they damage the environment, plants and production and offend people. I renew my closeness to my colleague President of Trento and his family with the hope that similar actions will never be repeated again” . This was declared by the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia.

“Solidarity and closeness to President Fugatti and his family. A cowardly, intimidating act, which speaks for itself and which we hope will be condemned by all political parties.” The senator said so in a note Mara Bizzottodeputy vice-president of the Lega Group at Palazzo Madama.

“Maximum solidarity and closeness to the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti and harsh condemnation for the ignoble act that affected his family members. It is intolerable to demonstrate one’s dissent towards politics by making unspeakable, cowardly and not at all democratic gestures. We are certain that President Fugatti will not be intimidated by those who think they can make their thoughts and reasons prevail with violence. We hope that the authors of this horrible episode will soon be identified and punished”. This was declared by the Trentino parliamentarians of the League Vanessa Cattoi ed Elena Testor.

2024-04-13 22:44:57

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