Viral Video Ladka Ladki Ka Parima video girl boy video boy and girl did strange thing in train you will be shaken after seeing omg video | What girlfriend and boyfriend did in Tain; Not even the slightest bit of irritation

by time news

Ladka Ladki Ka Video : Every day a video goes viral on social media. No matter how many times you watch such videos, your mind will not get enough. A video related to a boyfriend and girlfriend went viral the other day. A girl and a young man are in the video. Social media says that the girlfriend and boyfriend have died. The compartment has front seats and rear seats.

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After a while, the girl gave a love letter to the young man in an unobtrusive manner. Soon the video went viral on social media. It is clear from the footage that this is a train with many passengers.

Beautiful love

Boy and girl sit front and back. After some time the boy puts his hand under the seat After some time, unknown, the girl puts the letter in his hands. In the meantime, both of them eloquently expressed their love. Also read this.

Who are they?

Many people do not know that boy and girl are lovers. The video was uploaded to the Instagram account sakhtlogg. This video has been viewed by millions of people. Many people have shared it.

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