Vitamin D… has advantages, but is limited.

by time news

He is a professor of internal medicine. at Harvard and Brigham and Women’s Hospital School of Medicine and released a statement describing the results of the latest research. Specifically, these were randomized controlled trials, a randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation. and a summary of behaviors and practices for clinical advice and treatment and for the general public

He is the director of the world’s largest clinical trial, the Vitamin D and Omega-3 trial (VITAL), who provided the following information: By pointing out that it’s been a long time since people understood that vitamin D is. It’s like a pill or a magic bullet. who are able to cure diseases or chronic health conditions since cancer Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fractures, dementia, and even depression.

However, the information referred to as evidence taken from studies and observations (observational study) in which people have a reduced risk of the disease or condition. if the level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D is high

actually that epidemiological information Although there is a relationship But that doesn’t mean it’s rational. The lack of vitamin D makes it easy to get sick. or having high vitamin D levels or increasing the supplement will make it resistant to disease or recover from disease. for example People with high blood levels of vitamin D. Maybe it’s because they mainly eat healthy food. Or may be outside the house in the sun regularly. and also have regular exercise All of these are important factors that reduce the risk of disease.

Vitamin D… has advantages, but is limited.

As more and more systematic research studies and trials involve vitamin D. It appears that the information that was initially believed to be that vitamin D ineffective in conditions of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, depression and various health conditions and most importantly, including fractures

However, these current information does not imply that Vitamin D is not important to health. only that humans want Only low to moderate amounts of vitamin D where vitamin D will be automatically controlled from the system in the body already Therefore, this small quantity is enough to meet the demand

And as a result, all national institutions have made recommendations in the same direction, such as the National Academy of Medicine. US preventive services task force and many other professional organizations. that must be screened for all to the lack of vitamin D including providing vitamin D supplementation with a centrifugal net It is something that should not be taken as an indication of action.

Vitamin D… has advantages, but is limited.

in various randomized trials of vitamin D Also, the VITAL study did not show that vitamin D was effective in reducing various diseases or conditions.

But there are two conditions in which vitamin D supplementation may be helpful or signal. and psoriasis Vitamin D was found to reduce the risk by 22% and reduce severe metastasis in pre-cancerous conditions by 17%.

In terms of cancer 400 to 800 units of vitamin D per day or 2000 units per day was used in the VITAL program.

When summed up A small amount of vitamin D is sufficient. And in people who are already healthy, there is no need for vitamin D testing or vitamin supplementation.

Vitamin D… has advantages, but is limited.

In terms of vitamin D that helps reduce diseases related to immune variability. It may play a role in reducing that inflammation. There was a question that Will vitamin D be helpful in reducing the severity of COVID-19? until you have to go to the hospital and able to reduce the covid test or not Another study is currently underway, called VIVID (vitamin D for Covid trial).

The high dose of vitamin D is more than 3,000 units per day, and results are expected by the end of this year (2022) or early next year.

Vitamin D… has advantages, but is limited.

During the severe outbreak of COVID The effects of vitamin D use are somewhat vague and inconclusive. however It’s still practical to take 1,000 to 2,000 units of vitamin D a day, at least to give you peace of mind. and besides Such doses are also safe, which has been proven by the VITAL project that 2,000 units were not in jeopardy of follow-up for more than 5.3 years.

In short, vitamin D should not be taken as a supplement. The only exception is the really at-risk group, which is elderly people in nursing homes where food is inadequate. and unable to go out in the sun and in people with gastric and intestinal malabsorption disorders, such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease. Celiac disease, patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery. and in people who already have osteoporosis and are on medication for osteoporosis. among these people and patients Providing calcium and vitamin D is necessary and reasonable. by not giving to the general public at all

in the general public What must be strongly encouraged is Healthy Foods and Sources of Vitamin D It also includes oily fish and various mushrooms. and from now on There should be a label on the food. that tells you how much vitamin D In order to get vitamin D from food instead. And must behave regularly in the outdoors, in the sun, exercising, and must remember that the use of various supplements There is no substitute for a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

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