Waiting for word of mouth: What is the next step for MK Rinawi Zoabi and Janaim?

by time news

The government is marking today (Monday) the year of her tenure, but it seems that at any moment she is close to ending her life. From both political ends that make up the coalition, there are Knesset members who threaten to resign from it and bring about an alternative government or the dissolution of the Knesset and the early elections.

On the right is MK Nir Orbach (right) who is angry at the votes of Arab Knesset members and threatens to resign, and is currently holding talks with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett who is trying to persuade him to stay. ‘Yada Rinawi Zoabi (Meretz) who violates coalition discipline and causes the overthrow of laws that the government is trying to pass, such as extending Judea and Samaria regulations.

The political system is trying to figure out what will make the two stop their counter-voting against the government and vote with the coalition, or alternatively, resign from the Knesset so that those next in line on the lists will take their place and calm the fragile coalition a little.

So what do you think MKs Janaim and Rinawi Zoabi will do?

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