War and climate: these two crises will eventually turn the lives of many into hell

by time news

2023-07-23 14:45:12

Although there are those who deny it, climate change is real. The battle to stop them consequences of global warming it is no longer just an effort to leave a better world for our children. Beyond the concern for the legacy to the next generations, it is a reality that is already here and curiously the war in Ukraine it may lead us to see its main consequences. What does one thing have to do with the other?

Although it seems a lie, for a part of the world’s population, currently the most vulnerable, the combination of these two crises ends up turning his life in hell. While the lights of the international current affairs are fixed on the result of the ballot boxes in Spain, on the dark side of the agenda, the one that is least talked about, there are millions of people who live with the situation of depending on one meal a day. Only one!

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And a reality that affects many countries, but in the area of ​​the map of Africa where the drawing in the East resembles a rhinoceros horn, people there are dying partly as a result of the climate, partly as a result of the war. In this region, there has been no rain, or very little rain, for more than five years. More than five years without a full day of rain make the Horn of Africa right now the worst place in the world to get food or have access to water. With the crops destroyed and livestock largely dead, people depend on grain that comes precisely from Ukraine.

THE United Nations they reached an agreement so that the war would not prevent the departure of ships from the Black Sea. But after a year in which it managed to get almost a million tonnes of grain to Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, the deal has broken down. Russia will not allow the ships to continue leaving, it will consider them targets of war and in case there were any doubts, it will bomb the port of Odessa and the granaries from which it leaves. It won’t be long before we see apocalyptic images. The victims will not be on the battlefield, but in these other countries where the climate has dried up the land and now the war is depriving them of food. Another way to kill.

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