War Diary: Russia’s Foreign Minister banned from international conference

by time news

‘JDN News’ presents the events of the past day, the 134th day of the Russia-Ukraine war, as it happened minute by minute.

07:22 Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said that Western attempts to punish a nuclear power like Russia following its invasion of Ukraine are endangering humanity.

07:43 Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has flown to Indonesia for a meeting of G20 foreign ministers affected by the tensions created by the Russia – Ukraine conflict. Several ministers, including U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, ruled out a meeting with Lavrov, who planned to meet with some of his colleagues on the sidelines. This was reported by the Russian news agency TASS.

14:01 Russian officials have celebrated the fall of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “He does not love us, we do not love him either,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. Capital tycoon Oleg Dripska wrote in a telegram that this is the “disrespectful end” of “stupid clown”. Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said Johnson’s fall was a symptom of the West’s collapse. “The lesson of the story: Do not try to destroy Russia. Russia cannot be destroyed. You can break your two in an attempt – and then suffocate from them.”

15:11 Yevgen Kornichuk, Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, said that “due to fears for the lives and well-being of visitors to Ukraine and in light of the war in our country, despite all efforts, we can not guarantee the safety of pilgrims to the celebration of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav and currently do not allow tourists and visitors to enter Ukraine.” (Extensive news on the subject was published separately).

Photo: Ukrainian Army

17:32 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who announced his resignation, spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalansky and assured him that he would continue his efforts to end the grain siege in Ukraine along with his partners. According to a Johnson spokesman, Zalansky thanked the prime minister for his decisive actions regarding Ukraine, and expressed the gratitude of the Ukrainian people for the British efforts in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Johnson ended the conversation and said to Zlansky, “You are a hero, everyone loves you.”

20:05 Russia’s ambassador to Britain Andrei Kline has said the defeat of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who announced his resignation earlier, is a “punishment” for militant policies: “The people, the state of the economy, and that is what led to this result.” He added that “we would prefer, of course, a replacement who would not be so hostile or belligerent.”

20:16 – President Vladimir Putin, does not rule out the possibility of talks on a ceasefire with Ukraine – but said that “if the process is delayed it will be more difficult.” In addition, he responded to the desire of Ukrainian forces to win on the battlefield, warning: “Let us try.”

Photo: Ukrainian Army

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