“We all have to disappear, we have to take it calmly” Ana Luisa Peluffo turned 94. How can we reach a lucid old age?

by time news

2023-12-06 22:28:26

Remembered for participating in more than 300 films, the actress Ana Luisa Peluffo turned 94 and shared how to reach a lucid and calm old age.

What did Ana Luisa Peluffo say?

According to an interview conducted by a local media, the leading actress celebrated 94 years of life in an intimate gathering with family and friends, among whom Irma Dorantes stood out.

With an optimistic tone, Peluffo commented that she feels fulfilled and that she lives a quiet life with her two cats and surrounded by nature, and when asked about the difficulties of age, the actress commented “Well, I’m fine, with the normal ailments of age, but I try hard, I listen to the doctors and I try to take care of myself”

In this sense, Ana Luisa Peluffo shared what are the activities that keep her moving and what is the “secret” to reaching a lucid and calm old age.

“I go for a walk in my garden, I take care of my plants, and I have always been on the move (…) I like to keep myself busy as much as possible and that’s why I sometimes go out with friends.”

Regarding the topic of death, Ana Luisa Peluffo did not seem worried, because she feels fulfilled with everything she has done and what life has given her, she even commented:

“We all have to disappear, we have to take it calmly and without making so many dramas. I would like to be remembered as I have always been a positive person, in good humor, cheerful and I have been very happy”

The career and state of health of the actress is to be admired, because despite her age, she continues to demonstrate that she can age fully and autonomously, like her colleague, Elsa Aguirre.

Foto: Getty Images

How to reach a good old age?

And it is that, reaching the age of Ana Luisa Peluffo Under these conditions it is not an impossible task, since in fact the United States National Library of Medicine points out that there are some recommendations to make it more likely have a lucid old age, quiet and autonomous.

Do regular physical activityMaintain a healthy weightKeep your mind activePrioritize mental healthDo activities that generate enjoymentAvoid smokingPrevent and ensure that there are no fallsEat a healthy diet
Foto: Getty Images

What to eat to delay aging?

Some of the foods that slow aging include colorful fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, strawberries, spinach and broccoli, which are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect cells from damage.

Fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, provide omega-3 fatty acids that can keep skin hydrated and reduce inflammation.

Likewise, nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and chia seeds, provide healthy fats and nutrients that are beneficial for the skin and body in general.

Collagen-rich foods, such as bone broth and fish, can help maintain skin elasticity.

In addition, legumes, green tea and olive oil are also considered foods that can contribute to healthier aging due to their nutritional and antioxidant properties.

Now you know some tips he shares Ana Luisa Peluffo to reach a lucid and calm old ageso it is your question whether you will be able to follow the advice or not.

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