“We have a cumulative total today of 5,907 suspected cases in the Central region with 2,565 probable cases”

by time news

2023-09-18 15:27:35


The Central and Hauts Bassins regions remain the most affected by dengue fever in 2023. And to find out, Dr Hamed Sidwaya OUEDRAOGO, director of population health protection at the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene gave more details.

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« Today we have a cumulative total of 5,907 suspected cases in the Central region with 2,565 probable cases. By suspicious cases, mean those who present symptoms and on whom we have not carried out a test to show that there are traces of the disease… Unfortunately, we are recording 11 deaths in the Central region.

As for the Hauts-Bassins region, we have to date 4,268 suspected cases and 1,674 probable cases and a total of 38 deaths. », Dr Hamed Sidwaya Ouédraogo initially informed. According to him, these figures very clearly show epidemic outbreaks. And to prevent this evil, the director of population health protection, serving at the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, gives the population instructions to follow.

“To the people, I would like everyone to start looking at their household and their living environment, trying to eliminate everything that is used tires, jars, hand sinks that we no longer use.

To the various managers of public services and businesses, ask them to use insecticides and everything you have to be able to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes in the environments and protect health personnel, and for each Burkinabè to go to a health center as soon as he has a persistent fever, orbital pain or muscle pain that does not relent, and also to be careful with everything we take so as not to further complicate the effects of the disease by tiring our kidneys, and so on “he concluded.

Source: RTB 8 p.m. news, Sunday September 17, 2023



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