“We often need someone smaller than ourselves”: Jean Lassalle announces a donation to the PS, LR and EELV, in financial difficulty

by time news

“We often need someone smaller than ourselves”. Jean Lassalle knows how to put his person at the service of his neighbour. While he himself was only credited with 3.1% of votes in the first round of the presidential election, a score that does not allow him to receive full reimbursement for his campaign, the candidate of Résistons! did not hesitate to put his hand in the wallet, to help his adversaries.

Jean Lassalle announced on Monday to make an “equivalent donation” to the parties Les Républicains, Europe Écologie-les Verts, also with a score below 5% allowing them to obtain the ceiling for reimbursement from the State, set at 8 million. euros. “In order to respect the principle of equality which is so dear to me and which has prevailed throughout this campaign…”, he declared.

A gift with ironic accents

Unlike Jean Lassalle, Yannick Jadot and Valérie Pécresse were aiming for a big score and incurred significant expenses, putting a strain on their finances. The two fallen candidates, at 4.63 and 4.78% respectively, called for donations, explaining that they were in great financial difficulty, where Anne Hidalgo seems to have saved, thanks to her tour of small rooms, considered “more intimate”.

With this gift with ironic accents, when we know that Jean Lassalle is one of the candidates with the least means, the man of rurality also tries to retain media coverage which has too rarely landed on him for his taste. During the campaign, he announced his intention to withdraw before the few interviews devoted to him, before finally maintaining his candidacy.

A relatively profitable choice in view of the results of the first round of the presidential election. Jean Lassalle has almost doubled his votes this year, and comes just behind Yannick Jadot, ahead of Fabien Roussel, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Anne Hidalgo, who respectively won 2.28%, 2.06% and 1.75% of the votes. .

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