“We reject any proposal by any representative of this government. During this regime, our sons were betrayed.” The parents of the fallen soldiers will not meet with Vahe Ghazaryan – 2024-03-21 10:26:45

by times news cr

2024-03-21 10:26:45

The non-governmental organization “Sons’ Call” founded by the parents of soldiers killed in the 44-day war refused to meet with the Minister of Internal Affairs Vahe Ghazaryan.

In the statement, which was distributed by the parents of the fallen heroes, it is stated:

“In 2022 On September 21, atrocities were committed by the police in the “Yerablur” military pantheon, the parents of the martyred servicemen were detained, some of them received physical injuries. After more than a year of investigation, the “case of 21” was closed, and no police officers were held accountable. Most of the arrested parents are members of “Sons’ Call” NGO. On January 20 of this year, the Minister of Internal Affairs expressed his desire to meet the detained parents.

“Sons’ Call” NGO declares that it rejects any proposal by any representative of this government. This is the regime under which our sons were betrayed, the sovereign territories of Armenia were surrendered, 15 servicemen were burned alive in a wretched shelter, Artsakh was subjected to genocide and depopulation, and now soldiers are being killed in peaceful conditions, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church is being attacked, the Motherland and the State are identified.

“Call of Sons” NGO will fight against this anti-national government and will do everything to get rid of this regime as soon as possible, one of whose representatives is Vahe Ghazaryan.

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