Welfare Secretariat celebrates infants with disabilities

by time news

2023-04-29 11:15:04

CAM 11 students and beneficiaries of the dependency enjoyed the Children’s Fair

Tlaxcala, Tlax, April 28, 2023 (Editorial). – In order to provide children with a day of recreation and coexistence, the Tlaxcala Welfare Secretariat held the Children’s Fair, with recreational activities that contributed to their rehabilitation, health, and physical comfort.

At the facilities of the Directorate of Comprehensive Well-being, in the municipality of Apizaco, the honorary president of the Advisory Committee for Well-being and Social Development, Fernanda Espinosa de los Monteros, as well as the head of the Secretary of Well-being, María Estela Álvarez Corona, lived together with girls and boys from the Multiple Attention Center (CAM) number 11 and beneficiaries of the unit.

Fernanda Espinosa de los Monteros said that the Children’s Fair was specially designed to contribute to the integral development of infants and encourage them to develop self-sufficiently in the future so that they can achieve all their goals.

“The love and dedication they put into caring for their children is what inspires us, so that the supports that the Wellness Advisory Committee manages have a positive impact in their homes,” he said.

Meanwhile, Álvarez Corona highlighted that these actions allow living with infants, in addition to learning about their life stories to meet their needs.

The head of the Secretary of Well-being thanked the presence and support of the head of the Department of Special Education of the Secretary of Public Education of the State (SEPE), Yolanda Espinosa Dávila.

As part of this Fair, staff from the Ministry of Well-being installed 11 thematic stations that attendees visited to have fun and learn about the importance of growing up healthy.

Among the activities that were carried out, “Disguise and paint faces”, “Let’s go to the circus”, “Me on the farm”, “Like fish in the water”, “In the jungle”, “Take one” and “The relays” stand out. , among other dynamics. In addition, the infants enjoyed artistic presentations and a botargas show.

Finally, Fernanda Espinosa de los Monteros and María Estela Álvarez Corona led the delivery of toys and gifts to girls and boys who attended the celebration.

#Welfare #Secretariat #celebrates #infants #disabilities

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