what are the symptoms and what can you do?

by time news

You don’t often hear about it, but vitamin B1 is crucial for your body. Especially as a sporty person you need this vitamin. But how do you know if you have a vitamin B1 deficiency? The following symptoms may be related to a vitamin B1 deficiency.

What does vitamin B1 do in your body?

There are no less than eight different types of vitamin B and they all have their own role. Vitamin B1 (also called thiamine) is important for muscle control. You need it to convert carbohydrates into energy for your body (and carbohydrates are, of course, any runner’s best friend). In addition, vitamin B1 is also important for the proper functioning of the heart muscle, the nervous system and the brain.

Why take vitamin B1?

Vitamin B1 is incredibly important, but our body cannot make it itself. That is why it is crucial that we get enough vitamin B1 from food every day. Do you follow a very one-sided diet, for example due to an intestinal disease or other chronic condition? Then it may be wise (in consultation with your doctor) to supplement your vitamin B1 deficiency with supplements.

What causes a vitamin B1 deficiency?

Most people will not easily come into contact with a vitamin B1 deficiency. Thiamine is in various food groups, such as whole grain products and vegetables. So with a healthy lifestyle and varied diet you are in the right place. A vitamin B1 deficiency mainly occurs in specific risk groups such as alcoholics and drug addicts, and people with a serious, chronic intestinal disorder.

What are the symptoms of a vitamin B1 deficiency?

A deficiency of vitamin B1 affects your nervous system and cardiovascular system. You can recognize a serious vitamin B1 deficiency by, among other things, these symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Psychological abnormalities, such as depression
  • Concentration problems
  • Amnesia
  • Numbness in the arms and legs
  • Heart complaints
  • Muscle weakness

    Franziska works as a freelance Digital Editor at Runner’s World where she can combine her love of running with her passion for writing.

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