What areas do you lose weight with pilates: show off a well-defined waist without wearing girdles

by time news

2023-12-22 04:25:38

Among the options we have for tone the silhouette is found Pilatesa kind of physical training which focuses on strengthening and slimming the body, improving flexibility. If you plan to start the year with the purpose of losing a few extra kilos, discover What areas do you lose weight doing Pilates?

Does Pilates help you lose weight?

You’ve probably heard that one of the most effective ways to lose weight It is through a combination of a low calorie diet and regular exercise. However, what you may not know is that resistance and body weight exercises, Like Pilates, they also fight the extra pounds we have.

If you spend most of your time sitting because of your job, you could not only affect the circulation in your legs, but also gain weight… unless you incorporate a simple Pilates routine that favors a loss of caloric expenditure to transform your ‘hourglass’ silhouette.

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According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, sedentary women with overweight and obesity were analyzed who followed a program of Pilates exercises for 8 weeks; who experienced a significant decrease in their weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, waist, abdomen and hip circumference.

Imagine that you normally burn about 1,200 calories a day on average. If you add a Pilates session which burns about 300 calories, you’ll be burning a total of 1,500 calories, 25 percent more than before incorporating the workout. This goes for any exercise you include in your current regimen.

By increasing your level of physical activity increases calorie burning, which, in turn, contributes to weightloss to shape your silhouette, that is, in less time than you imagine you would be sporting an amazing figure. Just as you read it!

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What areas of the body do you lose weight with Pilates?

He Pilates is not a exercise method that focuses on specifically losing weight in some area of ​​the body, rather it is known for its ability to strengthen and tone the entire body evenly. It works through a series of exercises that focus on core strength, flexibility and posture to achieve an overall leaner and proportionate figure.

Although it is not specifically designed for localized fat reduction, there are those who claim that the Pilates It has helped them reduce fat in problem areas such as the abdomen, legs and buttocks as they develop more balanced muscles and improve posture.

Many people searching lose weight They don’t necessarily want to simply reduce it, but rather redistribute it effectively. Wouldn’t you like to maintain the same weight but feel stronger and more toned? Probably yes. Most people want to build more lean muscle mass while losing fat, which requires resistance training.

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Incorporate the Pilates to your daily life could be a great option to combine bodyweight exercises on mats with resistance routines characteristics of Pilates. Although Pilates uses springs instead of weights, it provides different levels of resistance tailored to your strength and ability.

How many kilos can you lose doing Pilates?

To calculate how many kilos can you lose doing Pilateswe must first take into account the amount of calories that can be burned in one Pilates session and then determine how many sessions would be needed to achieve an adequate caloric deficit for the weightloss.

A Pilates session burns approximately 300 kcal in a 70 kg person. To achieve a weightloss Effectively, a daily caloric deficit of between 500 and 1000 kcal is needed. If you want to use Pilates as part of a weight loss plan, it is important to combine it with a proper nutrition to guarantee results.

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If you search lose weight Significantly, consider doing Pilates two to three times a week and regularly working with resistance equipment. You will love the results!

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If you want to know What exercise is equivalent to doing a thousand sit-ups, stay to watch the next video.

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