What did the Mexican actress Laura Montalvo, the unforgettable protagonist of ‘Salomé’, die of?

by time news

2023-12-01 23:32:22

The unfortunate death of a renowned Mexican actress was confirmed, that is why we share with you here What did Laura Montalvo die from?.

Just a few hours ago, the National Association of Interpreters (ANDI) confirmed the sensitive death of the renowned interpreter, through social networks.

For their part, other celebrities in the entertainment industry shared their condolences on social networks, after the sad news was announced.

“The National Association of Actors deeply regrets the death from our colleague Laura Montalvo, member of our union. Our condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace,” reads the recent publication on the X platform.

Who was the actress Laura Montalvo?

The famous actress Laura Montalvois remembered for various participations in the entertainment industry, among the well-known ones is the soap opera ‘Azul‘ y ‘Salome‘and the movies’Satanic Pandemonium: the sexorcist‘ y ‘The good for nothing‘.

What did Laura Montalvo die from? Photo: @andactores

It is worth mentioning that the iconic artist also served as Secretary of Social Welfare and the Treasury in the National Association of Actors.

What did the Mexican actress Laura Montalvo die of?

After the sensitive death was announced, various fans of the actress have wondered What Laura Montalvo died of.

However, so far neither family nor friends have released the details of the unfortunate death that was announced on November 29.

Likewise, due to his age, the possibilities that the causes of death could be due to some illness of the elderly, such as natural causes or cardiovascular conditions, are not ruled out.

What did Laura Montalvo die from? Photo: iStock

What are the most common causes of death in older adults?

According to the Pan American Health Organization, in 2019 it was detected that ischemic heart disease, interpersonal violence and stroke are among the main causes of premature mortality.

So far it has not been made known What did the actress Laura Montalvo die from?so it is expected that in the next few hours the artist’s family will provide more details of the unfortunate death.

Don’t forget to watch the following video:

#Mexican #actress #Laura #Montalvo #unforgettable #protagonist #Salomé #die

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