What fate will befall an isolated tribe stranded in London – an interesting prediction from AI – 2024-03-26 15:23:23

by times news cr

2024-03-26 15:23:23

The story of how an isolated tribe of islanders might cope in the modern world is a fascinating subject of discussion among scientists and researchers. Google’s recent Gemini AI forecast sheds light on the possible scenarios that could await North Sentinel Island residents if they were to suddenly find themselves in London.

The Daily Star writes about this.

The AI ​​argues that for a tribe with little contact with the outside world and accustomed to self-sufficiency in a tropical environment, moving to the metropolis of the UK capital would be a fatal ordeal. Not knowing how to get food or secure housing in the city would put islanders in “extreme difficulty.”

Experts warn that the Sentinelese, who have no experience of interacting with modern technology and urban living conditions, most likely would not be able to survive in London. They don’t know supermarkets or traffic, don’t have the tools to survive in an urban environment, and wouldn’t be able to communicate due to language barriers.

In addition, medical problems associated with a lack of immunity to common diseases of the modern world would pose a serious danger to the tribe. They could be exposed to diseases such as influenza or measles, which could have devastating consequences due to their lack of immunity.

This is an AI projection that, while seemingly fantastical, seems entirely reasonable in light of past events on the island. North Sentinel Island has always been isolated and closed to outsiders, and any attempts to interfere in its life led to tragic consequences.

Thus, Gemini’s AI prediction that the Sentinelese would not be able to survive in London highlights the importance of preserving and protecting isolated tribes and their traditional way of life. In a world where the boundaries between cultures and technologies are increasingly blurred, it is important to remember to preserve ethnic and cultural diversity so that valuable pieces of our human heritage are not lost.

Previously, Cursor reported that Bill Gates spoke about how AI will make our lives easier in the future. He believes that with the help of artificial intelligence, people’s lives will become much easier.

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