What is a “typical” day like for human beings? Nine hours are dedicated to work and self-care, one minute to waste collection – time.news

by time news

2023-06-30 15:52:23

An international team analyzed data and statistics from 2000 to 2019 in over 140 countries: 3.4 hours are related to food preparation and house cleaning

How is the average day of human beings? To give a scientific answer to the unusual question was an international team, led by William Fajzel of the Canadian McGill University in Montral, who conducted a monumental meta-analysis of data and statistics from 2000 to 2019 (the following years were not considered for avoid influences due to the pandemic) in over 140 countries, to estimate how much time people spend on average per day on a global scale to activities such as eating, washing, sleeping and working. Published in the journal Proceedings of the national academy of sciences (Pnas) and entitled The global human day, research has made it possible to establish that, on average, 9.1 hours of the day are devoted to rest; 9.4 to productive or educational activities and self-care (work, education, hygiene, beauty, health, sport and entertainment); 3.4 to actions linked to the context in which one lives (from preparing food to cleaning the house), while 2.1 are used for travel, transport and the organization of activities.

One minute for garbage collection

Paradoxically, if redistributed among all the approximately 8 billion inhabitants of the Earth, crucial activities for human existence on the planet, such as the time used to extract materials and energy or the time dedicated to waste collection, instead occupy minimal fractions of the day: in in fact, the first case is about 5 minutes, while in the second case we don’t go beyond one minute. While acknowledging that being able to have an accurate picture of the diversity of human behavior on a global scale is not an easy undertaking, according to the authors of the study, understanding how the global human system works is essential if we are to navigate planetary boundaries sustainably, adapt to rapid technological changes and achieve global development goals. Our findings provide an overview of what our species does, including how economic activities fit into the landscape of life, and reveal activities for which there is significant potential for change.

June 30, 2023 (change June 30, 2023 | 3:54 pm)

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