What prevents Iraq from joining the Shanghai Organization and the BRICS Organization?

by time news

2023-08-22 21:12:39

August 22, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk event:

Jawad Al-Hindawi

The question arises, this time and strongly, about the reason or reasons why Iraq did not join these international organizations, which are important at all levels, and which meet the interests of Iraq with geographic, economic, developmental, and even political commonalities, as joining would be evidence of openness Iraq on all countries, organizations and axes. BRICS was founded in 2006, and its strategy was and still is to support developing countries and defend world peace.
The convening of the BRICS summit, from the 22nd to the 25th of August, in the city of Johannesburg, in South Africa, is the occasion to address the subject, the title of the article. The leaders of the OIC countries (China, Russia, India, South Africa, Brazil) meet, and this time, on their agenda, questions of a strategic dimension. So what is it ?

What are the criteria that the organization adopts to decide on applications for membership, which are increasing year after year?

Should we focus on the economic dimension of the organization, without being drawn behind the ideological and political dimensions?

The discussion in these axes, which we raised in the form of questions, will lead to strengthening the entity and influence of the organization and avoiding disagreements that lead to obstructing the expansion, stagnation and disintegration of the organization.

China’s leadership of the organization, in cooperation with Russia, gives it an ideological dimension and a pivotal Asian identity, and some do not hesitate to see a future for the organization as an Asian alliance versus the Western NATO.

But the participation of India, Brazil and South Africa, with active membership, and as founding countries (with the exception of South Africa, which joined later, in 2010, after the founding of the organization in 2006), slightly mitigate the stress of the ideological dimension of the organization, and gives the organization the character of internationalization and openness to all countries. The world except for America, Britain and France (if we do not say NATO countries). This exception was stated explicitly, by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Serki Ria Bekov, as the Russian Foreign Ministry informed the South African authorities of its refusal to extend an invitation to French President Macron to participate in the conference, despite France’s announcement, since last June, of President Macron’s desire Participation in the opening of the BRICS summit, and the Russian Foreign Ministry added that Russia does not welcome the presence of countries, which it described as not friendly to Russia, led by America, Britain and France. It should be noted that China’s position was identical to the Russian position, as the Chinese president expressed his acceptance of the presence of a small French delegation to participate (see regarding these positions, Rai Al-Youm electronic newspaper, issued on 8/22/2023).
What matters to us is the many Arab countries that submitted their requests, some time ago, to join BRICS; Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, Algeria, and the Palestinian Authority.

It is expected that the organization will agree, in its current conference, to approve the accession of the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and the UAE is already a member of the New Development Bank, which is the bank that was established by and to serve the BRICS organization, and it is considered to be a competitor to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Financing development projects.

I do not want to delve much into the economic and development benefits that will be available to the countries seeking to join, and to the countries of the organization, and I am trying to find an explanation or a reason why Iraq has not submitted, so far, an official request to join the Shanghai Organization or / and the BRICS Organization.

We did not lose sight of the importance of joining the Shanghai Organization, during our work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I was then head of the Asia Department, and we submitted, more than once, an expanded report calling for joining, in 2008 as well as in 2015, and we attended more than one international meeting, at the invitation of the organization, With the aim of enhancing confidence and exchanging information between the countries of West and Central Asia, to combat terrorism and drug trafficking and to pave the way for countries to join the organization, but unfortunately the reports did not result in tangible results, neither on joining nor on the reasons for refusing or delaying joining. I do not think the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not encouraging to join, and I attribute the matter to reluctance, lack of interest and lack of knowledge in the importance of the subject, in one of the joints of administrative bureaucratic communication, and this reluctance and lack of interest or even indifference, we have seen it in other strategic positions, important to Iraq from Political and economic aspects, such as the strategic agreement between the European Union and Iraq.
Iraq has all the basic ingredients for joining, and it will receive all the support and welcome from the member states, especially China and Russia, and Iraq’s accession will perpetuate Iraq’s policy of openness to all axes and all countries, and it will enhance the citizen’s confidence in Iraq’s neutral policy, and its non-dependence on American politics and conditions.

Not to mention the size of the economic and development support that Iraq will receive upon obtaining membership in the organization.

I think the request of the State of Bahrain and the request of the Palestinian Authority to join will encourage Iraq to take action and to consider joining.

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