What will happen to the Earth when the Sun turns into a black hole?

by times news cr

2024-04-26 03:26:17

Stars like the Sun have an average lifespan of about 10 billion years. Given that the Sun formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago, it still has about half its lifespan left.

This is reported by IFLScience.

Although the Sun would eventually become a white dwarf, imagine if it turned into a black hole. The sun continues to live by fusing hydrogen atoms into helium at its core, releasing energy and heat. This process ensures the existence of our planet and all living organisms on it. However, when the supply of hydrogen for fusion is depleted, stars such as the Sun enter the red giant stage.

In about 5 billion years, as the Sun’s core begins to produce heavier chemical elements and the shell around the core begins to synthesize hydrogen, the Sun’s temperature will rise significantly and its outer layers will begin to expand into space. As a result, the Sun will turn into a huge red giant, which will likely lead to the absorption of the Earth.

In about 1 billion years, all the hydrogen in the Sun’s core will be exhausted, and the outer layers of the star will be shed. As a result, the Sun will turn into a small white dwarf. Black holes have enormous gravity, which absorbs nearby matter, including light.

Therefore, when the Sun turns into a black hole, it will have the potential to absorb the Earth and other objects in its vicinity. The gravity of black holes depends on their mass, and they usually form from the remains of very massive stars. If the Sun turned into a black hole, its mass would correspond to the mass of the Sun. In this case, nothing would happen to the Earth, and it would continue its rotation around the black hole, as it is happening now around the Sun.

If the Sun turned into a black hole, its size would be only 6 km, while the diameter of the Sun is almost 1.4 billion kilometers. However, the main problem is the loss of the Earth’s source of heat and energy. Without this energy source, photosynthesis would cease immediately, and eventually all life on the planet would disappear.

Earlier, Cursor wrote that astronomers discovered that a huge black hole was formed as a result of the explosion of a star just 2 thousand light years from Earth. This is the largest black hole in our Galaxy, which was discovered in the constellation Aquila.

2024-04-26 03:26:17

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