“When you were just seventeen, you had a psychosis”

by time news

When you were just seventeen, you went into psychosis. In a short time you had to process all kinds of things, which caused a short circuit in your head. Your life and that of your parents and two sisters was turned upside down. Your psychosis was severe, but you didn’t need to be admitted. You received medication and we ensured peace in your environment. It wasn’t easy, but the five of us managed. The many walks with the dog, the medication and the conversations with your wonderful counselor from the GGZ did you and us good. After a year you still obtained your HAVO diploma and you went to study. But after two months you came to the conclusion that it wasn’t going to work.

You were sad. You were admitted at your own request. You wanted other medication, because the medication you took made you very stiff. You came home after six weeks. You got better. You didn’t stay at home, but went to a care farm. You kept playing football and kept in touch with good friends. The new medication did you good. With some help you went to live on your own. Sometimes it went less well and you had a relapse, but in recent years you are doing well. After about seven years on the care farm, you and your job coach started looking for a suitable job. You found it at a supermarket. And now you’re going to live with a really nice girl. We are so proud of you! But also to your sisters, who are there for you.

A proud mom and dad

The writer gets a beautiful necklace with a gold plated dragonfly pendantspecially designed for the most beautiful letter in Libelle.

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