Which is better? Hot or cold shower?

by time news

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After a stressful day, many prefer to take a hot shower, while some prefer cold water.

However, each has its pros and cons, according to the specialized medical site “onlymyhealth”.

1- The health benefits of a cold shower

– Good for hair

Cold showers can improve hair health and add shine to it. It can boost hair hydration and is ideal for dry and brittle hair as our pores expand when we take a hot shower. But a cold shower can temporarily tighten them, preventing the loss of healthy oils from the skin and hair.

– Increases blood circulation in the body

Cold water is the preferred choice for most people who exercise, as it helps your muscles relax and promotes blood circulation in all parts of the body. Moreover, it can help reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

– reduces stress

How about taking a cold shower when stressed? Taking a cold shower can help reduce your stress levels because it releases norepinephrine and cortisol by activating your sympathetic nervous system.

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– strengthens immunity

Cold water can help boost the immune system, as it increases the number of white blood cells and improves the body’s metabolism. However, avoid taking cold showers when you are sick or have a cold or cough.

2- The health benefits of taking a hot shower

– Reduces blemishes

Hot showers can benefit your skin because it opens up your pores and removes toxins. Thus, it helps reduce blemishes and cleanse your skin.

Promotes sleep

You can take a hot bath after a stressful day to relax your body and promote a good sleep. Hot water changes the internal body temperature. The body uses the subsequent drop in temperature after a shower as a signal that it is time for bed.

Good for muscle relaxation

Taking a hot bath helps reduce muscle fatigue and tension. It also helps relieve muscle pain, dilates blood vessels and enhances blood flow.

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– Relieves respiratory symptoms

We all recommend hot drinks and foods to stay warm when we have a cold or flu. Likewise, a warm bath is recommended as it helps clear the nasal passages and relieve phlegm and cold.

Which is better and why?

Cold showers can boost immunity, but they should be avoided when sick.

– It is better to choose a hot shower, as it relieves respiratory symptoms.

– A hot shower can reduce pimples, but it can dry out your skin and cause irritation if the water is too hot.

– You should choose a cold shower if you have skin problems such as itching and dryness.

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People with arthritis should opt for hot showers because it is better for their bones and provides greater mobility. However, an injured athlete will likely choose to take a cold shower because it helps reduce inflammation.

– You can take a cold shower after a hard workout or a long day at work.

It is preferable to take a hot shower before getting a massage.

– It is advised to refrain from bathing in very cold or very hot water as it may affect your health.

It is good to take a hot bath before going to sleep. However, a cold shower works best in the morning.

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