Which of the following planets is not classified as an outer planet?

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Which of the following planets is not classified as an outer planet? There are many planets within the solar system, and perhaps the most famous of them is the planet in which we live, the planet Earth, as it is distinguished from the rest of the other planets in that it is suitable for life, as it has the basic ingredients for life from the atmosphere, the appropriate temperature and water, and the reference site will answer the question of any The following planets are not classified as outer planets, in addition to knowing the concept of planets and outer planets.

What are the planets

The International Astronomical Union of Planets has classified all planets and bodies in the solar system into three categories, namely: the planet, as it is an astronomical body that revolves around the sun and has a mass that makes it have a special gravity to achieve hydrostatic balance, and it is clearly alive around its own orbit, and the dwarf planet It is an astronomical body that revolves around the sun, and it also has a mass that makes it have a special gravity to achieve hydrostatic balance, but it is not a natural follower, and the rest of the other bodies are known as small bodies in the solar system.[1]

See also: Planet Earth was called the watery planet because it contains a proportion.

Types of planets in the solar system

Each of the planets in the solar system has different characteristics from the other planets, based on gravity, mass, soil, the nature of the climate, and the availability of water. In terms of soil and gravity, Mars is the closest planet to Earth, and scientists have divided the planets in the solar system into the following: :

  • terrestrial planets: It contains the ingredients for life, and includes only planet Earth.
  • Gas giant planets: They are giant planets that do not contain solid materials, such as: Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
  • Ice giant planets: There is snow on the surface, and it does not contain metallic hydrogen.
  • Dwarf planets: They are planets that revolve around the sun, and they do not affect the surrounding planets, and they have no moons.

See also: How many planets in the solar system.

outer planets

The outer planets are the planets in the solar system, located outside the asteroid belt, and these planets refer to the gas giants, which are located at different distances from the sun, and are distinguished by their ring systems, although they are all faint except for the systems of Saturn, and the outer planets include Jupiter, which It is the largest planet of the solar system, and it is characterized by four very large moons, clear packages, and the planet Saturn, which is the second largest planet, and has a bright and large ring system, and the planet Uranus, which deviates slightly from its axis of rotation, and it was discovered during the year 1781 AD, and the planet Neptune, which was discovered During the year 1846 AD due to its confusion with Uranus.

See also: What is the planet seen at night and day.

Which of the following planets is not classified as an outer planet?

The planets of the olfactory group are divided into two parts: the inner planets, which are called terrestrial planets, and include: Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, and all these planets consist mainly of minerals and rocks, while the other section is the outer planets, which are called giant gas planets. It includes: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, and it consists of gaseous elements and water. The answer to the question, which of the following planets is not classified from the outer planets, is:

See also: A planet is a solid, spherical body that emits light.

Interpretation of the classification of Pluto that it is not a dwarf planet

Scientists have suggested that the planet must have certain characteristics to be called a planet and not a celestial body, and Pluto was called a dwarf planet, but scientists retracted its name after the appearance of a larger planet behind it, as a dwarf planet is a celestial body with a large mass that rotates around the Sun, its gravity keeping it balanced, and the dwarf planet title was stripped from Pluto; Because it does not have the characteristics and specifications of the planets, it was considered a celestial body.

At the end of our article, we have answered a question Which of the following planets is not classified as an outer planet? We also learned about the concept of planets and exoplanets, mentioned the types of planets in the solar system, and explained why Pluto is classified as not a dwarf planet.

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