who are Riyadh’s rivals?

by time news

2023-06-19 17:09:02

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Ben Salmane, on a state visit to France, presents Monday, June 19 at the ephemeral Grand Palais in Paris the project of his country, candidate to host the Universal Exhibition in 2030. The 2020 edition was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The 2025 one is scheduled for Osaka, Japan.

Organized every five years for a maximum of six months, World Expos allow countries to build extraordinary pavilions to welcome tens of millions of visitors and to transform the host city in the long term.

Four candidates have been in the running since 2021 to host the 2030 edition: South Korea (for Busan), Italy (for Rome), Ukraine (for Odessa) and Saudi Arabia (for Riyadh). After two years of investigation and evaluation of each city’s file by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), the host country will be elected by secret ballot by the States, during the general assembly of the organization which should be held in November 2023.

In the first round, the host city must collect two-thirds of the votes to win. In subsequent rounds, the lowest ranked is eliminated until only two cities remain in contention and the winner wins by simple majority.

Busan in South Korea

The Republic of Korea has submitted an application to host the World Expo to be held in Busan (South-East), the country’s former import-export base being redeveloped to become “a new global center for the maritime industry”. “The project plans to use the Port Nord site as a site for the Exhibition, then to return the infrastructure to businesses and residents at the end of the event”writes Korea in its presentation.

The theme chosen is Transforming our world, sailing towards a better future »with three axes: «Facing the climate crisis and living in harmony with nature”; put “technology at the service of humanity”; “reducing the different gaps that exist between countries and between populations”.

Rome in Italy

Italy has presented the candidacy of the Eternal City, for a Universal Exhibition that would combine technology, culture and poetry. The last Universal Exhibition project in the Italian capital dates back to 1942 and could not see the light of day due to the Second World War.

Under the theme “People and Territories: Urban Regeneration, Inclusion and Innovation”the Italian capital would like to show sustainable solutions for “to live and prosper in an increasingly uncertain, unforgiving and complex world”, according to the BIE website. Italy promises a nighttime spectacle with the Colosseum as a backdrop.

The proposed site, Tor Vergata, is forty minutes southeast of central Rome. Placed under the sign of sustainable development, it will house the largest urban solar park in the world, on 150,000 square meters, mixing “techno trees” opening and closing their solar panels, and natural trees, so that each pavilion can generate its energy.

Odessa not Ukraine

Ukraine had submitted the application for the city of Odessa in October 2021, a few months before the start of the war. Under the theme “Rebirth. Technology. Coming. »the objective is to show a “smart city of the future”with a central place given to the relationship between human beings and technologies (artificial intelligence, robotization).

kyiv was then promoting Odessa as “one of the largest and busiest cities in Ukraine, a business and tourist center in the south of the country that attracts travelers and entrepreneurs”. A reality that could be upset by the conflict. The BIE’s fact-finding mission was carried out through virtual sessions in the absence of being able to go on site.

Riyadh in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia submitted its capital’s candidacy on October 29, 2021, the very last day of the deadline. The chosen theme, “The era of change: together for a far-sighted future”, highlights the need to innovate for a better future. The exhibition is expected to be held in Wadi al-Sulai, north of Riyadh.

This event coincides with the end of the vast modernization plan called Vision 2030 launched by Mohammed Bin Salman. One of the reasons for his coming to France would be to obtain the support of Paris for Riyadh’s candidacy. If Paris has not yet spoken, several observers assure that its support would go to Saudi Arabia.

Friday, June 16, the president of the Arab World Institute, Jack Lang, pleaded for a vote in favor of the kingdom which would have « a great symbolic and emblematic significance”. “It would be a smart and visionary choice”estimated the former Minister of Culture.

#Riyadhs #rivals

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