Who is General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, the man who killed Ali Bongo?

by time news

2023-08-30 19:40:28


Pending the declaration of the opposition candidate Professor Albert Ondo Ossa, on the overthrow of the regime, for the time being, the new strongman General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema is enthroned at the head of the country. Carried in triumph by his elements a few hours after the soldiers read a press release on the fall of Ali Bongo, the new strongman of Gabon is not unknown to the battalion.

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Installed at the head of the Republican Guard of Gabon in April 2020, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema is one of the most influential personalities in Gabon. Current commander-in-chief for three years of the Republican Guard, this soldier has established himself as the keystone of the regime’s security apparatus and more.

Son of a Gabonese General Officer, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema also chose the profession of arms very early on by joining the current Republican Guard of Gabon. Trained at the Royal Military Academy of Meknes in Morocco and having followed the commando course at the Commando Training Center in the equatorial forest of Gabon, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema was quickly noticed by the military hierarchy of the Praetorian Guard and became one of the aides-de-camp to Omar Bongo and would remain so until his death in June 2009.

When Ali Bongo came to power, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema was sent in diplomacy for ten years. Thus, he was military attaché at the Gabonese embassy in Morocco and then in Senegal and according to certain sources, he saw it as an exile.

One year after Ali Bongo’s Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) which occurred in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia in October 2018, Colonel Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema is recalled to Gabon where he replaces another colonel, Frédéric Bongo, at the head of the service intelligence unit of the Republican Guard: the General Directorate of Special Services (DGSS).

Six months later, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema was again promoted, but this time at the head of the Republican Guard where he replaced General Grégoire Kouna. At the head of the “GR”, he pushed reforms to make it more effective in its fundamental mission: the maintenance of the regime.

To do this, he strengthened Ali Bongo’s protection system, but his most significant reform was undoubtedly the development of the Special Interventions Section (SIS, a special unit placed under the direct authority of Ali Bongo, editor’s note.) that he increases from around thirty to more than 300 elements (with nearly 100 precision shooters!), that he equips with state-of-the-art equipment and of which he even composes the song! A song that says, among other things: I would defend my president with honor and fidelity”an entire program !

Source : EcoMatin



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