Why does my head hurt after drinking alcohol: forget about the hangover with this tip

by time news

2024-01-02 23:09:00

Many times, when we are at a celebration and we have a couple of drinks, we can lose track of how much alcohol we have consumed, especially when we are having a great time. However, the famous “I won’t do it again” comes with the tremendous headache after drinking alcohol. ¿How to avoid hangover?

If you have ever had hangover or headache intense the day after having drunk alcohol, You will know that the discomfort feels like a punishment because the discomfort is usually throbbing, it can cause dizziness or irritability as the effect of alcohol disappears from your body.

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Why does my head hurt after drinking alcohol?

He headache after drinking alcohol It can manifest itself as your body processes the level of alcohol in your system until it reaches zero, but it is most noticeable when we wake up after a night of drinking. According to an article published by the Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, It occurs for the following reasons:

Dehydration: This is the most common cause. He alcohol acts as a diuretic, which means it makes you urinate more, leading you to lose fluids that cause dehydration, which can cause your brain to shrink slightly, causing headache. Just as you read it! Congeners and toxins: The alcohol contains chemicals called congeners, which are formed during fermentation and can be toxic to the body, developing inflammation in the brain which, in turn, causes headache.Changes in blood flow: Drink too much alcohol It can dilate blood vessels in the brain, causing terrible pain. Additionally, it increases blood flow as well as pressure in the head.

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Although it is common for us to experience headache from drinking too much alcoholthe truth is that the symptoms of the famous “hangover” do not disappear so quickly, until the body processes all the ingested alcohol.

What are the symptoms of a hangover from drinking too much alcohol?

Los hangover symptoms from drinking too much alcohol They respond to severe dehydration, as well as dilation of blood vessels in the brain. Hence, symptoms such as:

Headache: when the brain shrinks slightly due to excessive alcohol consumptionthis pulls on the membranes that surround it, causing the drilling headache.Nausea and vomiting: alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach, which can trigger nausea and, in some cases, vomiting. Feeling of intense thirst and dry mouth: being the alcohol a diureticis capable of dehydrating us quickly, promoting the feeling of intense thirst and dryness in the mouth. Sensitivity to light and noise: a hangover can make your senses more sensitive, making you more prone to discomfort in the face of light bright light or loud noise. Irritability and mood swings: In some cases, the alcohol can affect levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters, contributing to mood swings and irritability.

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Yes, the more alcohol you consume, the greater the probability of having hangover symptoms more intense due to the accumulation of toxins and the level of dehydration it causes. However, it usually goes away within the first 24 to 48 hours.

What should I do if I have a headache after drinking alcohol?

If you have headache after drinking alcohol, Here I share some recommendations that could make all the difference for avoid hangover:

Drink water: drink plenty of water to rehydrate and relieve pain, or try drinking a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage.Rest and sleep: Sometimes, a good rest can help your body recover. If possible, take a short nap or make sure you get enough sleep the night after drinking to allow your body to recover. Eat soft foods: This can help calm your stomach and provide nutrients to help your body recover. Medications for pain: if the discomfort is very intense, you can consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Avoid taking acetaminophen (paracetamol) as it can be harmful to the liver when combined with alcohol.

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Now that you know why do you get a headache after drinking alcohol y what to do to avoid the famous hangover, don’t hesitate to follow these tips. Take good care of yourself and avoid excesses!

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If you are interested in knowing what effects does alcohol have on the body, stay to watch the next video.

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