With a larger population and outdated pediatrics, union contests centralization – Capital

by time news

2023-06-29 19:30:00

Urgent pediatric care may be restricted to two UPAs, in Campo Grande, from July 1

University UPA which, in addition to the Cel Antonino UPA, can centralize care at night (Photo: Alex Machado/Arquivo)

The prediction that only two UPAs (Emergency Care Units) will have pediatricians on duty in Campo Grande goes against the grain of the population increase in the Capital recorded by the 2022 Census of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and the existing gap in emergency care of children.

The assessment is by the president of Sinmed (Union of Doctors of Mato Grosso do Sul), Marcelo Santana. He also cites that this reduction is unreasonable in the middle of winter, a period conducive to respiratory diseases.

“There is an increase in respiratory diseases at that time, especially in children. In addition, we have recently experienced extremely crowded UPAs and CRSs (Regional Health Centers). With an increase in respiratory diseases, we will have an even more unprepared health system than it is,” he said. .

The doctor is referring to an outbreak of respiratory diseases that hit Campo Grande between March and April and overwhelmed the municipal network and hospitals. Babies were among the most affected during a period by the respiratory syncytial virus, as shown by epidemiological bulletins from Fiocruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation).

Distance – The centralization of pediatric care in just two UPAs may be adopted in the Capital as of July 1, as reported this Wednesday (28) by the Campo Grande News.

If this is done, continues the president of Sindmed, the difficulty of families from Campo Grande to locals could become a bigger problem.

“We will see decreased access to urgent pediatric care. Many families will be further away from the facilities and this can slow down a child’s care as they will tend to seek out the facility at the last minute, at the last moment. This can increase the vulnerability of pediatric care “, predict.

In addition, Marcelo Santana understands that this may reflect on the increase in hospital referrals. “When the UPAs and CRSs are important, precisely to reduce referrals to hospital units, care is provided effectively”, he says.

Finally, he takes a stand against service centralization. “There is no logic in reducing outdated care, especially with population growth, which tends to follow in the coming years”, he concludes.

Advice – President of the Health Commission of Campo Grande City Council, Victor Rocha (PP), Dr. Victor, said that the councilors met yesterday with the municipal secretary of Health, Sandro Benites, who assured that the measure will not be taken now.

The consensus is that Benites needs to present a plan so that he can then consult the Municipal Health Council on the rearrangement of shifts in two UPAs. “There is a law that provides for the participation of society in these decisions, through conferences and the council”, explains the congressman. The Municipal Health Council is composed of SUS (Unified Health System) users (50%), managers and service providers (25%) and health workers (25%).

Victor Rocha believes that the change will not be accepted. “I believe the council will not authorize it,” he told the report. A new meeting to discuss the matter is scheduled for next Wednesday (5).

The centralization of care is also of concern to the parliamentarian. “It’s just that one of the principles of the SUS is decentralization. Imagine if a person takes their child at 3 am in a UPA and then has to go to another, far from their home. I defend that the shifts they intend to take are maintained”, scored.

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