Woe from the Duma – Newspaper Kommersant No. 186 (7148) dated 10/13/2021

by time news

On October 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin met in the Kremlin with deputies of the new, eighth convocation of the State Duma. Special correspondent “b” Andrey Kolesnikov believes that continuity has been fully demonstrated. The guests of the Russian president showed on this day both in Okhotny Ryad and in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin the same main thing as the people’s deputies of the previous convocation: anyone can be a deputy. And the liberal bastard, and not liberal.

Before going to the Kremlin to see Vladimir Putin, the State Duma deputies chose their own speaker. In fact, everything became clear with the speaker long ago, at the moment when Mr. Putin announced the name “Volodin” at a meeting with party leaders. But I had to go through the procedure. And it had to be democratic.

The leader of the United Russia faction in the State Duma Vladimir Vasiliev, presenting the candidacy of Vyacheslav Volodin, immediately noted that “Vyacheslav Viktorovich was proposed for this position by the president.” It sounded dramatic, or rather, even melodramatic: Vladimir Vasiliev’s voice on the word “president”, without exaggeration, wavered. But he coped with himself and was able to continue.

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, presented an alternative candidate. Yes, as a sacred victim without a single chance to actually become the Speaker of the State Duma from the ranks of the Communist Party, Dmitry Novikov was elected on an uncontested basis, apparently, on the basis of Dmitry Novikov, who immediately began to smile so badly that it was clear: he did not think he was a speaker, but something like that to tell everyone about the untimely gaining power of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will have time.

Gennady Zyuganov himself recalled its achievements in connection with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the main of which, as I understand it, he considers that at one time, “after Yeltsin refused to fulfill the will of the Duma, they declared impeachment, which forced Yeltsin to resign ahead of schedule. … “

These phantom pains of the communists, apparently, will disappear only with themselves: yes, they suffered then from Boris Yeltsin, who drove them under the roller of history, from under which they still cannot get out and will never get out, but only to they still settle scores with him and look more comical and breathless.

And most importantly, Gennady Zyuganov, telling how good Dmitry Novikov was, perfectly understood what was part of the performance, but participation in these performances became so part of himself that he could not deny himself pleasure, bordering, apparently, with pleasure, and I could not just do my job and leave (or rather, stay), but did it, and did it even with enthusiasm.

The meeting was chaired by Valentina Tereshkova, who called Gennady Zyuganov not Andreyevich, but, hesitatingly, Viktorovich (it would be better if Nikolayevich, as the former speaker from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Seleznev, whom Gennady Andreyevich now remembered; the slip of the tongue would have been clearer) and thereby unwittingly knocked down the pathos that began was in the air, and so visibly trapped in these walls.

Vyacheslav Volodin, who was sitting in the hall, and not, as usual, above the podium from which the rest of the deputies speak (now his place was taken by Valentina Tereshkova, on whose left hand was Vladimir Zhirinovsky, but it seemed that she was from him – on the right ), admitted that “populism is destructive” and that “party cards are different, but Russia is the same homeland”. He seemed to want to tie everyone in this room in blood. Rather, Russia, its dews … And mists.

And you don’t frighten me with your Motherland, it was still read on some faces.

“Our president has repeatedly spoken about this,” said Viacheslav Volodin, emphasizing the word “our” and having in mind, obviously, that Vladimir Putin is flesh and blood of “United Russia”, and not “Fair – For the truth!”, For example …

And not yours, it seems, he wanted to say.

Viacheslav Volodin greeted the heads of public associations and separately the head of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions Mikhail Shmakov – as one of the most expensive …

And everyone here, it seemed, was for him, and the questions were such that they made it possible for Vyacheslav Volodin to slowly tell about his creative plans, and to the deputies to get emotional from such a poorly hidden sympathy for the former and future speaker.

– All of us elected to parliament represent the legislative branch of the Russian Federation! At the same time, being in power, it is impossible to be in opposition to it! – Vyacheslav Volodin unexpectedly explained.

Thus, the parliamentary opposition is an absurd concept in principle. So before Vyacheslav Volodin, no one, perhaps, wrapped it up. And how did it occur to him himself just now …

– Yes, you are a deputy, you have a status, you have powers, but at the same time I am not responsible for anything! – he exclaimed. – The same salaries and the members of “United Russia”, and other deputies (well, and this is not a sin to reproach at the right time. A.K.)! Same status! Equal opportunities! .. Therefore, we must feel this responsibility! If we understand this, then we will succeed a lot!

As if something hadn’t worked out before.

Dmitry Novikov spoke in a strange recitative, almost sang – it turns out that this was also possible.

“We are ready to return the property to the people, this is the main question,” he sang.

We should also ask the people if they are ready for the fact that they will return something to them – through sweat and blood, no doubt, and then, of course, they will return it to the wrong … And everything will start all over again …

– Yes, you can arrange registrations at the elections! .. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation expressed its mistrust of the results of electronic voting officially! The results for Moscow directly indicate: the distance kills the elections! – Dmitry Novikov soloed. – Six of our comrades confidently won in Moscow by the results of manual counting. After the data of the distance, not a single one passed!

Dmitry Novikov took a theatrical pause for the innocent victims.

Valentina Tereshkova suggested asking questions from the factions, I thought how organically the first cosmonaut of the Earth looks now in this chair, and involuntarily imagined Yulia Peresild in the same chair … After all, she, too, will someday be mastered by life on Earth … But what if not? ..

– When every liberal bastard (Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, raised his hands and spread them in complete bewilderment – after all, they called him a bastard. – A.K.) shouted that you are red-brown, we continued to defend patriotic values! ..

This, apparently, was, in the opinion of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, against any rules. Or maybe they just changed, and they forgot to tell him.

– What, are we voting? – Mr. Zhirinovsky caught himself when the vote was already in progress. A.K.)?!

– No-no! – Valentina Tereshkova laughed.

She was probably for the open, but she was not supposed to advise.

And it seems that again they really didn’t say anything to him.

Meanwhile, Viacheslav Volodin became the chairman of the State Duma by a majority of votes.

– That’s it, he’s already coming here! – in some, it seemed, panic exclaimed Vladimir Zhirinovsky, pointing at Vyacheslav Volodin.

– Valentina Vladimirovna, you lead so well that I have already got used to you, – said Mr. Volodin, meaning – in this role and looking around Mrs. Tereshkova in his chair.

Meanwhile, he walked over to the microphone.

– Are you kidding me? She asked unexpectedly.

Am I there? Never, it was read in her eyes. And no one even suggested.

Mr. Volodin meanwhile went upstairs to settle in his chair.

– Thanks! – He thanked Valentina Tereshkova from the bottom of his heart.

“Please,” she replied with feeling.

Oddly enough, in his place, at the very top, Vladimir Zhirinovsky remained. From there he could see better.

Soon the deputies of the State Duma of the eighth convocation came to the Kremlin and went up to the St. George Hall. But Vladimir Putin came out to them shortly.

The instruction was short-lived, social. Everyone in the room should take care of everyone outside (and vice versa).

Viacheslav Volodin, on behalf of everyone, answered the president. A stand with a microphone for him stood far from Vladimir Putin, among the columns where the ranks of the deputies began. Too much binding closeness with the people’s deputies in the unsanitary conditions that they most likely generated was of no use to Vladimir Putin (even Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had more confidence in this sense).

“Last year, on your initiative, the powers of the president were transferred to our citizens, who will now, through their deputies, be able to participate in the formation of the government of the Russian Federation,” said Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin for about the fifth time in a day, now to the president himself. this is an additional responsibility! And of course, I hope that the decisions that we worked out today and then adopted will allow us to do everything to make the legislative branch of power more effective and, most importantly, responsible for the decisions made!

And here, in power, there can be no oppositionists, as you know.

And even more so right here, in the very heart of this power, in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin.

Yes, they were not.

Andrey Kolesnikov


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