World Theater Day is celebrated in Cuba: “Art is Freedom” – 2024-04-04 20:15:09

by times news cr

2024-04-04 20:15:09

Photo: RRSS

Text: Editorial Cuba Noticias 360

World Theater Day is celebrated this March 27 at the initiative of the International Theater Institute (ITI) since 1961 to promote the art of stage performances internationally.

From Cuba, several institutions have congratulated the artists who work every day to bring the best of the theater scene to the public.

The Teatro Viajero group was one of the first to celebrate the date on social networks. Through its Facebook profile, the company assured that “celebrating World Theater Day in Cuba and in the world leads to a definitive commitment to peace.”

In this sense, Teatro Viajero added that, “in addition to choosing peace today and always, also choose freedom! Art is Freedom!!!!”

For her part, Marianela Dufflar, Communication Specialist at ARTEX, also published a message on social media to commemorate this day.

“Theatre is a cultural movement of transcendence and is characterized by a staging of a group of actors and artists, in front of an auditorium where a large number of people attend. Theater contains true magic…” wrote Dufflar.

Regarding Cuba, the also collaborator of the state media Cubadebate, stated that “it moves emotions and thoughts and has a history in which the names of playwrights, writers, musicians, intellectuals, actors and actresses who have contributed with their professionalism and “talent, prestige, not only of the theater, but of Cuban Culture.”

Every year, renowned artists offer a message to the world through the ITI. In 2019, the Cuban playwright and director Carlos Celdrán was the first Cuban in charge of launching this message, giving visibility not only to the art of the stage, but to the theater that is made on the island.

On that occasion, Celdrán said: “My theatrical country are those moments of encounter with the spectators who come to our theater night after night, from the most dissimilar corners of my city, to accompany us and share a few hours, a few minutes.

“With those unique moments I build my life, I stop being me, from suffering for myself and I am reborn and understand the meaning of the craft of making theater: living moments of pure ephemeral truth, where we know that what we say and do, there, under the light of the scene, it is true and reflects the deepest and most personal part of us. “My theatrical country, mine and that of my actors, is a country woven by those moments where we leave behind the masks, the rhetoric, the fear of being who we are, and we hold hands in the darkness,” wrote the renowned Cuban theater artist. .

In 2024, the message for World Theater Day is delivered by playwright Jon Fosse, 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Among the ideas expressed by Fosse is that “art does not express itself by causing everything to be the same, on the contrary, it shows us our differences, that which is foreign or strange. All good art contains precisely that: something strange, something that we cannot fully understand and yet we understand in a certain way.

The Norwegian writer and playwright also showed that “there is terrorism in this world. There is war, since people have an animal side that leads them to see the strange as a threat to their own existence, instead of seeing the fascinating enigma that it represents.

About war he said that “it is the battle against what lies deep within each of us: the only thing. And it is a battle against all art, against the most intimate essence of all art.”

Therefore, he concluded that “it is as simple as that war and art are opposites, that war and peace are opposites. “Art is peace.”

In 1961, the ITI established the celebration of World Theater Day on the occasion of the inauguration on March 27 of that year in Paris of the “Theater of Nations, ITI, UNESCO” festival that brought together representatives of international theaters.

From that moment on, the date is celebrated every year and it has become common for a performing arts personality to be invited to write the international message regarding the day of tribute to theater artists from all over the planet.

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