World Water Day and its crucial importance for a sustainable future – CORNARE

by time news

Claro Cocorná River – South

Like every March 22, at Cornare we join the global commemoration of World Water Day, a date that reminds us of the importance of this natural resource for life on the planet and invites us to ratify our commitment as an environmental authority for management. , conservation and sustainable use of water in the territory.

On this day, it is crucial to reflect on the role that we all have to play in the conservation and protection of water resources. From reducing our water consumption to adopting more sustainable agricultural practices, every action counts in the fight to preserve and guarantee water supply for future generations.

“We want all people to be aware of the use, protection and care of water. We invite you to create water governance together, to sit down and talk about environmental education so that we preserve this vital liquid. May we always be thinking that our water is really running out,” was the message sent by our General Director, Javier Valencia González.

About our management of water resources in the region

Within the framework of World Water Day, we want to make known how our Corporation, located in a territory with great wealth of fresh water, through conservation, monitoring, education and awareness initiatives, works to promote equitable access to water resources. , protect aquatic ecosystems and improve water quality in the region.

Thus, one of the most notable achievements in terms of water resource management is that today, 100% of our jurisdiction has full coverage in urban sanitation, which positions us as a leading region at the national level in basic sanitation, compared to the 52% that the country has and we have achieved this thanks to the support to the municipalities for the construction and/or optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants. These plants play a crucial role in removing contaminants and purifying water before returning it to aquatic ecosystems.

Likewise, we are working to increase the coverage of wastewater treatment systems in rural areas to reduce discharges into water sources. In 2023 alone, 1,790 septic wells were installed, thus ratifying our commitment to water quality and improving the quality of life of the region’s farming communities.

“Both Wastewater Treatment Plants and septic tanks are fundamental solutions to ensure that rural and urban communities have access to clean and safe water, while conserving aquatic ecosystems,” concluded Javier Valencia.

The measurement and continuous monitoring of water quality are also key aspects of our work, which is why in 2023 we monitored 366 stations in various sources, rivers and bodies of water, which allowed us to know the supply and quality of the basins of the region. These efforts lead us to better understand the environmental challenges we face and make informed decisions to protect our water resources.

Today we also highlight the achievements in terms of protection of micro-watersheds thanks to our Sustainable Veredal Aqueducts, AVES, program, which seeks to strengthen and support the environmental management of these organizations and which allowed us in 2023 to impact 95 aqueducts in the region made up of 119,428 users.

At Cornare, on this World Water Day, we reaffirm our commitment to sustainable water management and improving its quality. We will continue to work tirelessly to implement innovative solutions, promote public awareness and join forces with other organizations and communities for the protection and conservation of water resources.

The data

In the Cornare region we have 11 basins and 1,250 micro hydrographic basins.

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