World’s oldest person dies at 118; Survived Covid

by time news

World’s oldest person dies at 118; Survived Covid

Paris: World’s oldest man dies aged 118 Lucille Rander, a nun from France, has passed away. Lucille Randon died just weeks before her 119th birthday, a spokeswoman for her nursing home said.

Lucille Randon, also known as Sister André, was born on February 11, 1904, in the town of Alès in southern France. She was one of the world’s oldest survivors of Covid.

Lucille Randon is listed as the oldest living person by the Gerontology Research Group, which records the details of people aged 110 years or older. Last year, Randon was selected as the oldest person after the death of 119-year-old Kane Tanaka from Japan.

Just before her 117th birthday in January 2021, Sister Andre was confirmed to be Covid positive. But the symptoms were mild. That’s why Sister Andre was able to easily survive Covid.

Currently, the oldest person on the list compiled by the Gerontology Research Group is Maria Branyas Moreira, an American-born woman living in Spain. They are 115 years old.

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