Young residents of Smolensk were reminded of fire safety

by time news

The truth that a fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish is immutable. Fires must be prevented, first of all, in the minds of people. And you need to start from an early age. The personnel and personally the head of the department of preventive work of the department of supervisory activities and preventive work of the city of Smolensk UND and PR of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Smolensk region Marina Shtempel regularly conduct preventive raids. During the last such raid, Marina Nikolaevna talked with young residents of the regional center about simple, but such important fire safety rules.
The children repeated the phone number of firefighters and the rules for calling emergency services, the algorithm of actions in case of a fire and the rules that must be followed so that the fire does not break out at home, at school, in nature and in public places. With great interest, the guys answered the inspector’s questions and asked their own, Marina Shtempel answered everything in detail.


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