Zelensky: It is inevitable that the war will spread to Russia

by time news

2023-07-30 18:35:59

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Dmitrij Asztahov

He called it inevitable and just Volodymyr Zelenskyi in the video message of the President of Ukraine on Sunday, that the war will gradually spread to the territory of Russia, reports MTI.

Russian aggression failed on the battlefield. Today is the 522nd day of the continuation of the so-called special operation, for which the Russian leadership gave a week or two. Ukraine is getting stronger. The war is gradually returning to the territory of Russia, its symbolic centers and military bases, and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely just process

– said the head of state.

At the same time, the president warned that “this winter, Russian terrorists may still attack energy and other vital Ukrainian facilities”. “Therefore, it is very important that local governments across the country are as active as possible now, that is, during the summer and in September, in everything that needs to be done before the cold months of the year,” emphasized Zelenskiy.

#Zelensky #inevitable #war #spread #Russia

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