Does ‘cheese’ help with snoring and sleep apnea? “Risk drops by up to 28%↓”

by times news cr
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​ ⁢If ​you are concerned about snoring, eating cheese⁤ might potentially be the solution.A ⁣study has shown ⁤that eating cheese⁢ regularly can have a significant affect in reducing⁢ the risk of sleep ⁣apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disease in which‍ breathing stops for a ⁤period of time during sleep.Obstructive ‌sleep apnea (OSA), the ⁤most common form, occurs when the muscles around the neck relax during sleep, causing the ⁣airway to narrow or ⁢close, ⁣resulting in brief interruption of ⁤breathing‌ or⁢ snoring.

Not all ⁣snoring is related to ​sleep apnea, but the ‌two often‌ occur together, adn the more severe the snoring,‌ the more likely it is that you⁢ have sleep ⁣apnea.

academic ⁢journal Sleep MedicineAccording to a study published in , ⁤regular consumption of cheese can ⁣lower the risk of sleep apnea by up to 28%.‌ There was an inverse correlation in that the more cheese consumed, the lower the ⁣risk of⁢ sleep apnea.

According ‌to researchers, sleep apnea is a sleep disease in which breathing is ⁢repeatedly interrupted during sleep, resulting in various health problems such⁤ as ⁤cardiovascular disease,‌ metabolic ‌disorders, and cognitive decline and also poor sleep ⁣quality. It is indeed estimated that ​more than​ 936 million adults worldwide suffer from some form ‍of obstructive​ sleep apnea.

The ⁤researchers extracted‌ data from hundreds of thousands of people from Finland’s FinnGen Biobank, ⁤which ⁣is​ similar ​in size to the UK‍ Biobank, which has ​registered medical and health information​ on more than 500,000 people, and used a statistical​ analysis method called mendelian randomization (MR). The correlation was investigated.

The ​researchers evaluated the ⁢effects of cheeses‍ such as Gorgonzola, Cheddar, Camembert, and Manchego on 44 biomarkers. As⁣ a result, the risk of​ sleep apnea ​included⁢ aspartic‌ aminotransferase (1.33%), urea (3.85%), cystatin C (2.98%), sex ‍hormone binding⁣ globulin (1.78%), testosterone (1.94%),and diastolic⁢ blood ‌pressure (5.46%).‌ The improvement effect of six biomarkers that affect ‌metabolic and cardiovascular health was⁣ confirmed.

Additionally, they found that⁣ cheese consumption ​affected the levels of⁣ 23 ⁢biomarkers.

A joint research ​team from Zhonggu ⁢Chengdu University and Lanzhou university said, ‍“These results suggest ​that cheese consumption may affect the risk of sleep apnea through ⁢a ⁤specific metabolic pathway, and ⁢it is indeed highly likely that diet‌ will play an significant role in reducing the prevalence of ⁤sleep apnea.“He⁣ wrote.

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According to researchers,⁣ cheese is a ‍rich source​ of essential nutrients,⁣ including high-quality protein, calcium, fatty acids, ​bioactive peptides, ⁢amino acids,‍ and key vitamins, which play an importent role in supporting⁤ overall health.

meanwhile, according ⁢to last year’s data from the Health insurance Review and Assessment Service, the ‌number​ of patients with sleep apnea in Korea increased ⁢3.4 times from 45,067 in ‌2018​ to 153,802 last year. In‌ particular, the​ incidence of sleep apnea tended to⁢ be higher in men in​ their 30s and 40s and in women in their‌ 50s and 60s.

According to the policy​ research ⁤service⁣ ‘Follow-up‌ survey to identify causes and risk factors of ⁤cardiac arrest’ recently released ⁢by the Korea‍ Disease Control and Prevention Agency, the risk of⁣ sudden cardiac arrest increases by 54% in ‌people with ‌sleep apnea compared to⁢ people without ⁢sleep apnea. In ⁤particular,‍ the risk ​of sudden cardiac arrest soared to 76% in the ​young ⁣age group‍ of 18 to 64 ‌years without cardiovascular disease. This suggests⁤ that sleep ‍apnea ‍is one ⁣of the major ​factors in the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in ‌young ⁣age groups without cardiovascular disease.

The actual risk of⁢ sleep ⁣apnea (hazard ratio ⁣2.3) is lower ⁣than that of diabetes (4.10) or hypertension (3.63), which are the ‍main causes ⁤of⁣ sudden ⁤cardiac arrest, but higher ⁢than ⁢that⁣ of smoking (2.19) or obesity (1.02).

According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, ‌treatments to lower the risk of sleep apnea include ‌▽ behavioral treatment such as regular exercise, changing sleeping position, ‍and limiting drinking and smoking ▽ device therapy such as ‍continuous positive ⁢airway pressure and‍ use of oral airway ‌opening devices ▽ nasal surgery, pharyngeal surgery, etc.There are surgical treatments, etc.

Park Hae-sik, reporter

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  • What types of cheese are associated ⁣with reducing the risk of sleep apnea?

    The⁣ article discusses recent research findings ​on the​ potential benefits of cheese consumption in reducing ​the risk of sleep apnea,a common sleep disorder characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep. According ‌to a study published in the journal ‍ Sleep Medicine, regular⁤ consumption of⁢ cheese can lower the risk of sleep ⁢apnea by up to 28%. ‌This relationship was ⁣established through‍ an analysis of data ‍from the FinnGen ​Biobank in​ Finland,‌ which included a large sample of participants.

    The study evaluated the​ effects of various cheese types—such as Gorgonzola, Cheddar, Camembert, and Manchego—on specific​ biomarkers associated with sleep apnea and overall health. ​Researchers found a correlation between higher cheese​ intake and lower levels ​of several biomarkers linked to ​metabolic health and cardiovascular conditions.

    Sleep apnea ⁣is often associated with serious health issues, including⁤ cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline.⁢ In South ⁤Korea, the⁣ prevalence of sleep ⁢apnea has significantly increased over recent years. Furthermore, ​individuals with⁤ sleep apnea ⁢are at a heightened risk for sudden cardiac arrest, notably ⁣in younger age groups without pre-existing cardiovascular diseases.

    the article emphasizes that dietary choices, such ⁤as ‌including cheese in one’s diet, may play⁤ a role in mitigating the risks⁣ associated with sleep apnea and underscores⁤ the importance of a balanced diet rich in essential ​nutrients for overall⁤ health.

    Treatments for sleep apnea where also highlighted,which include behavioral changes,device therapy,and surgical⁢ interventions.

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