Double attack in Guanajuato leaves three police officers injured

by times news cr

This Thursday, Guanajuato woke up in the middle of terrorist acts when two car bombs exploded in Acambaro y Jerécuarodirected to the policealmost simultaneously; which left its population in the middle of chaos and fear.

In the first, three municipal agents were injured, including a woman, whose health condition is reported as serious, after the explosion in front of the General Directorate of Public Security.

The agency reported that the explosion caused damage to the property already 12 houses; in addition to seven vehicles.

In Jerécuaro, another of the car bomb It also exploded near the facilities of Securitywhich left severe damage to various locations in the city center, destroying the door of the building and four units, one of them patrolling; The area was left as a war field. Here the state government He explained that there were no civilians or police officers injured.

It was reported that the Attorney General’s Office He already has testimonies and videos of the people who could have left the explosives; In addition, a strong security operation was implemented between the Army, National Guard and Police state.

Until the closing of this edition, no one was known to have been arrested for these attacks.


The governor of Guanajuato, Libya García Muñoz Ledoannounced on his X account that “given the events that occurred in Acámbaro and Jerécuaro I want to be very emphatic: our priority is the pacification of #Guanajuato“, and we will achieve this complex task together.”

He added that he called a security meeting with the municipal presidents of Acámbaro, Claudia Silva, and from Jerécuaro, Isabel Acevedo, as well as commanders of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), Security, the National Guard, as well as the Attorney General’s Offices of the Republic and the state.

Later, the president reiterated that these violent acts “will not stop peace in the state.”

After the car bomb explosion in Acambaro, President Claudia Sheinbaum reported that the security cabinet already has the case and is investigating.

questioned during The People’s Morning about whether he was aware of the case, Sheinbaum Pardo He pointed out that he was informed during the security meeting that he was already investigating what happened and that it would be the FGR who would handle the case, as it involved the use of explosives.

It was unofficially known that in Acámbaro, eight people arrived in front of the offices of Security, They abandoned the vehicle and minutes later it exploded.

In Jurécuaro the mode of operation was similar, but the unit that exploded was left in front of the municipal palace, where the management of Public Safety.


Just this Tuesday, the state and federal governments reported the beginning of an operation to reduce insecurity rates in Guanajuato.

The chief executive made a commitment to the governor Libya Garcia to face insecurity in the entity.

Guanajuato is currently considered the most violent state in the country; according to the organization Mexico Evaluates, is, in terms of violence, “very negative:

Criminal violence is a consequence of the conflict between Santa cartels Lime Rose and the Jalisco New Generationone of the most powerful criminal groups in the country.

The country is hit by a spiral of violence linked to organized crime; recorded more than 450 thousand murders since December 2006, when a controversial military anti-drug operation was launched.

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