2024-11-13 19:17:00
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2024 is a global day observed on 25 November each year. Its objective is to raise awareness of gender violence and promote actions to prevent and eradicate it in all its forms. The motto chosen for 2024 is ‘A woman is killed every 11 minutes. #Don’tSorry’.
In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as the anniversary International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This celebration has its roots in activist protests for women’s rights in 1981with the aim of honoring the Mirabal SistersDominican political activists brutally murdered in 1960 on the orders of dictator Rafael Trujillo. In 1979, the United Nations obtained the approval of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. However, gender-based violence continues to be a serious problem around the world, leading to the enactment of legislation Declaration on the elimination of violence against women in 1993. The campaign “UNITE to end violence against women“, started in 2008, aims to increase awareness of the problem and seek political solutions to address it. Like every year, this day marks the beginning of the Join the campaign tell him, 16 days of activism (November 25-December 10) which end concurrently with International Human Rights Day.
What is violence against women and its most frequent types
The United Nations defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that causes, or may result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life”.
Violence against women and girls in the private spherealso known as domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, includes any pattern of behavior aimed at gaining or maintaining power and control over an intimate partner. It includes physical, sexual, emotional, economic and psychological acts, as well as threats of such acts. This type of violence is one of the most common forms affecting women globally. It manifests itself in various forms:
- Economic violence: Seeks to generate financial dependence by controlling the person’s economic resources, preventing access to them or prohibiting their ability to work or study.
- Psychological violence: involves generating fear through intimidation, threats of physical harm, destruction of property or isolation of the victim from their social and family environment.
- emotional violence: includes constantly devaluing the victim, criticizing their abilities, insulting them or subjecting them to verbal abuse. It can also affect your relationship with children and limit contact with family and friends.
- Physical violence: Consists
- Sexual violence: This involves forcing the couple to participate in sexual acts without their consent.
Recognizing and addressing these types of violence is essential to promoting gender equality and protecting the rights of women and girls around the world.
Femicide refers to the intentional killing of a woman simply because she is a woman, although it can also be broadened to include any murder of women or girls. It differs from the murder of men in that, in most cases, the perpetrators are partners or ex-partners of the victim. These femicides are often the culmination of a history of domestic abuse, threats or intimidation, as well as sexual violence, and often occur in situations where women are disadvantaged in terms of power or resources compared to their male partners. Furthermore, the term also includes “honor killings“, involving the murder of a family member, usually a woman or girl, on the grounds that they have brought dishonor or shame to the family. These murders are often linked to concepts of sexual purity and alleged transgressions by female members of the family..
sexual violence It covers any act of a sexual nature carried out without the victim’s consent, either because they did not commit it, or because they are unable to do so due to age, mental disability or because they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This includes the sexual harassmentranging from unwanted physical contact to inappropriate comments and suggestive gestures. THE rape involves any type of penetration without consent, whether with body parts or objects. Furthermore there is the corrective violationwhich aims to force the victim to behave in a heterosexual manner or according to certain gender norms. THE rape culture It is a social environment that normalizes and justifies sexual violence, rooted in patriarchy and fueled by deeply rooted gender and sexuality inequalities and prejudices.
human trafficking is the acquisition and exploitation of people using means such as force, fraud, coercion, or deception. This heinous crime traps millions of women and girls around the world, many of whom suffer sexual exploitation.
THE female genital mutilation (FGM) involves the intentional alteration or damage of the female genital organs without medical reasons. There are four types of FGM and their practice and reasons vary from region to region. It is a social norm, seen as necessary for girls’ maturity and marriage, driven by beliefs about gender and sexuality. FGM was recognized as violence in 1997 by WHO, UNICEF Yes UNFPA. Child marriage involves spouses under the age of 18 and violates the law Universal Declaration of Human Rights which requires full and free consent to marriage. Girls are at greater risk than boys of marrying young, which can lead to dropping out of school and facing other forms of violence.
Online or digital violence against women is any act of violence committed, assisted or aggravated by the use of information and communication technologies (mobile phones, the Internet, social media, video games, text messages, e-mail, etc.) against a woman for the fact of be. Online violence can include cyberacosoconsists of sending intimidating or threatening messages, sexteo or sexting, or sending messages or photos with explicit content without the authorization of the recipient or the doxingwhich consists in the publication of private or identifying information of the victim.
Every 11 minutes a woman is killed.
In 2022, every 11 minutes, couples and family members will intentionally kill a woman. Therefore, the motto of 2024 is Every 11 minutes a woman is killed. #Don’tSorry. UNITE to end violence against women. For at least 48,800 women in 2022the cycle of gender violence ended with a final and brutal act, hismurder by one’s partner or family member.
Faced with the escalation of violence against women, the objective of the day is to mobilize all members of society, relaunch commitments and demand responsibility and concrete measures from decision makers.
Women and girls are most at risk in their immediate environment
One in three women has suffered sexual or physical violence at least once in their life. Furthermore, according to the WHO, almost 1 in 4 teenagers it is estimated that those who have been married or been in a relationship in the youngest age group (15 to 19 years) have already had victim of physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner at least once in their life. Furthermore, 16% of young women between the ages of 15 and 24 have experienced this violence in the last 12 months, which equates to approximately 245 million women.
A recent one study of 2021 prepared by UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) e UN Women reveals it more than five women or girls were killed every hour by members of their own family on average. This highlights the severity of violence against women and girls as one of the most widespread human rights violations globally. Of the total number of women and girls killed intentionally last year, 56% were killed by intimate partners or other family memberswhich shows that home is not a safe place for many of them. The data also shows that, over the last decade, the total number of women and girls killed intentionally has remained relatively constant, highlighting the urgency of taking stronger action to prevent and address this problem. While these data are alarming, the true scale of femicide may be even greater due to inconsistencies in definitions and criteria between countries. It is necessary to improve the understanding of the factors that drive feminicides to design more effective responses in prevention and criminal justice.
Only two out of three countries ban domestic violence
Violence against women and girls has a negative impact on the peace and stability of families and communities, generating significant costs in areas such as health, education, social protection, justice and productivity, which limit the economic potential of companies.
To address this problem, it is crucial invest in prevention. However, the allocation of economic resources by countries to combat this violence is worryingly low. Supporting and funding organizations working for women’s rights is essential to eradicate violence. Experts indicate that a strong and autonomous feminist movement is the most influential factor in promoting changes in policies aimed at combating this violence nationally and internationally. These organizations play a key role in providing local services, empowering women, and reaching marginalized populations. However, only 1% of gender-focused public assistance goes to these organizations, and funding has not increased despite clear evidence of need.
Only two out of three countries prohibit domestic violence and of those who do it, the In most cases, there is a lack of systems to track budgetary allocations for gender equality, and there is little data available on budgets to address violence against women and girls. Although 78% of countries have allocated funds to implement anti-violence laws, there is no clear information on how they are integrating prevention into areas such as education, health, economic development and social protection.
Despite this progress, there is still a long way to go globally, as only two out of three countries have banned domestic violence and many nations do not have legislation that protects women from this form of violence.
The COVID-19 pandemic, conflict and climate change have exacerbated the chances of experiencing this violence and generated new threats, further undermining the vulnerability of women and girls. Since the start of the pandemic, 45% of women say they or a woman they knew have experienced some form of gender-based violence. Additionally, 7 in 10 women believe that verbal or physical abuse from a partner has become more common, and 6 in 10 believe that sexual harassment in public spaces has gotten worse.
And globally.
It is essential for the international community to recognize the various forms of violence that affect women and to take substantive action to combat them. Here are key points to consider:
Forms of Violence Against Women
- Economic Violence: Controls women’s financial resources and restricts their economic independence.
- Psychological and Emotional Violence: Involves intimidation, threats, and verbal abuse, undermining a woman’s self-worth.
- Physical Violence: Encompasses any physical force resulting in harm or injury.
- Sexual Violence: Includes any non-consensual sexual act, coercing individuals into sexual activities.
- Femicide: The intentional killing of women due to their gender, often at the hands of intimate partners or family members.
- Human Trafficking: Involves the exploitation of individuals, particularly women and girls, for forced labor or sexual exploitation.
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): A harmful cultural practice altering the female genitalia for non-medical reasons.
- Child Marriage: Union involving individuals under 18, often resulting in myriad forms of violence and violation of rights.
- Digital Violence: Encompasses any form of violence facilitated by technology, including cyberbullying and non-consensual sharing of explicit content.
The Global Impact and Urgency
- Statistics: Every 11 minutes, a woman is killed by someone close, illustrating the dire need for immediate action. The prevalence of these acts of violence highlights systemic issues within societies where women are often seen as less than equal, leading to increased vulnerabilities.
- At-Risk Groups: Young women, particularly those aged 15-19, face significant risks of violence from intimate partners, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions in this demographic.
- Importance of Safe Spaces: Evidence suggests that homes are often not safe environments for women, with a significant number of murders occurring from partners or family members.
Legal Framework and Support
- Lack of Legislation: Alarmingly, only two-thirds of countries have laws banning domestic violence, reflecting a global failure to protect women’s rights at a legislative level.
- Investment in Prevention: Adequate financial resources are critical in combatting violence against women. This includes funding organizations that promote women’s rights and support initiatives that educate communities on gender equality.
Collective Action
- To foster real change, it is essential for entities across sectors—governments, non-profits, and civil society—to collaborate on strategies to combat violence against women. Promoting public awareness, investing in women’s empowerment, and leading campaigns for legal reform are crucial steps towards establishing a safer environment for women and girls worldwide.
The fight against violence directed at women and girls requires persistent effort and collaboration on a global scale. By recognizing the various forms of violence and the impact they have on individuals and society, we can take steps toward creating a world where women can live free from fear and harm.