In the midst of deep pain, the mother of little Sofía Delgado, the 12-year-old girl whose body was found lifeless in a cane field in the rural area of Candelaria, asked God for justice.
Accompanied by the mayor and family and the community, the minor’s mother tearfully condemned what they did to her daughter: “she only went out to buy shampoo to bathe the dog.”
Lady Zúñiga left a moving message outside her house in the Villagorgona district. Through tears, the woman expressed her pain at the tragic loss of her daughter and asked for both divine and earthly justice for those responsible for the atrocious crime.
“Justice will be done, because what they did to my daughter has no forgiveness from God, but even so I forgive them and leave everything to God so that he can be the one to do justice.“, declared Sofía’s mother.
Despite her immense suffering, the woman said she forgives those allegedly responsible, although she asked that the full weight of the law be applied to them.
You may be interested: Sofía Delgado was found lifeless in Candelaria, Valle del Cauca
In her heartbreaking testimony, the mother also called on the authorities to make earthly justice merciless with the guilty. of this fact that has shocked not only his family, but the entire community of Villagorgona. “This is a suffering that I would not wish on anyone. May the full weight of the law fall on them“He added, in reference to the two captured in connection with the case.
In her speech, the woman also sent a strong message, wishing that no other family in the country has to go through the pain that her family is experiencing.
The case of Sofía Delgado has generated deep indignation throughout Valle del Cauca, mobilizing the authorities and the local community, who are devastated by the outcome of the disappearance of the minor, reported since September 29.
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