Registration of municipalities from La Libertad to the Metropolitan Area of ​​San Salvador will generate employment, investment and development

by times news cr

The Legislative Assembly yesterday reformed the Law of Development and Territorial Planning of the Metropolitan Area of ​​San Salvador and the Surrounding Municipalities (AMSS), in order to incorporate the municipalities of La Libertad Este and Costa to its constituency.

The modifications were made to article 2 of the regulations to include the municipalities in which the districts of Antiguo Cuscatlán, Huizúcar, Nuevo Cuscatlán, San José Villanueva, Zaragoza, Chiltiupán, Jicalapa, Tamanique, La Libertad and Teotepeque are located.

The incorporation of these municipalities will generate jobs, investment and development in the country, ensuring the consolidation of this important area to create a complete investment corridor and potential in terms of planning and better opportunities for the territories.

During the study of the regulations, the director of the Planning Office of the Metropolitan Area of ​​San Salvador (COAMSS/OPAMSS), Luis Rodríguez, explained that currently the AMSS represents 33% of the national GDP, it is the area where 41% is. of companies in the territory and contains 60% of jobs nationwide.

In addition, 60% of the two municipalities commute with the AMSS, with around 59,815 people moving to the area.

The initiative will allow leveling hierarchies, improving economic synergies and facilitating the exchange of resources, creating infrastructure and service networks, organizing the attraction of investments and promoting sustainable development.

One of the OPAMSS proposals is to create an interconnection corridor in La Libertad Este, where 15-minute centralities can be potentialized that connect the sector of greatest economic innovation in the AMSS with the Libertad Coast and its vocation as a Coastal Tourist Corridor.

For the urban centers located in the coffee forest of the Cordillera del Bálsamo, it is proposed to promote ecotourism corridors and the transformation of subsistence crop areas into centers of agroecological innovation.

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