Rome, Friday, October 18, 2024 9:00 (ACI Press).
The Saint of October 18 is Saint Luke the evangelist, author of the Third Gospel and also the Acts of the Apostles. Thanks to his writings, the role of the <a href="" title="Pope Francis reiterates calls for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East in the first Angelus of the year”>Virgin Mary in the life of Jesus is known and thanks to him, the Mother of God was given a face and a smile. This is because Saint Luke was always considered “the painter of Mary”.
But let’s get to know him better. We will see which prayers are dedicated to him, what role he played in the Church and what is the most famous painting attributed to him. And all this is also intertwined with Pope Francis.
The date of St Luke’s birth is uncertain, although there is more consensus as to where he was born, Antioch. His name, Loukas, refers to a region that is now part of Italy, Lucania, and seems to be related to the Greek term Leukos, meaning ‘white’ or ‘bright’.
Luke was an educated man, unlike most of the Apostles, and he had a great culture. Greek was his native language. For these reasons Saint Luke is considered the patron saint of doctors and painters.
Regarding his death there is a tradition based on Gaudentius of Brescia (PL 20, 962) according to which Luke was martyred together with Andrew, the apostle, in the land of Patras, in the Roman province of Achaea. According to this same tradition, he died hanging from a tree.
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