Stevie Nicks Regrets Not Voting Until Age 70, Urges Fans to Participate in Election

by time news

Fleetwood Mac legend Stevie Nicks is opening up about a missed opportunity – she didn’t cast her first vote until the age of 70.

This politically charged election season has sparked Nicks’s activism, leading her to express regret over her past silence at the polls.

The iconic musician isn’t making excuses, though. She directly addressed the common justifications people offer for skipping elections, telling anchor Mika Brzezinski, “There are countless reasons people cite for not engaging in our democracy, but really, is an hour too much to ask? Couldn’t you spare an hour to exercise your right to vote?”

Brzezinski emphasized the importance of this particular election, urging viewers, “If there’s ever an election to participate in, this is the one.”

Nicks’s recent political activism includes endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, following in the footsteps of fellow artist Taylor Swift.

In a September Instagram post aimed at her 2 million-plus followers, the Rock & Roll Hall of Famer encouraged fans to research the candidates and choose the one whose values align with their own.

“With only 54 days left until the election,” Nicks wrote, “ensure you’re registered to vote! Your vote in this election could be the most consequential decision you ever make.”

Interview: Stevie ‍Nicks on Voting, Activism, and the ⁤2023 Election

Editor at Today,‌ we have​ the privilege of speaking with legendary Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks, who is using her platform​ to advocate for increased voter participation this election season. Welcome, Stevie!

Q: Stevie, you​ recently mentioned that you didn’t cast your first ⁣vote until you ‍were 70. Can you share what motivated you to finally engage in the electoral⁣ process?

Stevie⁢ Nicks: Thank you for having me! I think, for many ‌years, I felt that my voice didn’t matter or that my vote wouldn’t⁣ make a difference. But this election season has shown me otherwise. I’ve come to realize that ⁢remaining ⁢silent is a missed‍ opportunity to ⁣influence the democracy we live in. It’s essential ⁤to recognize that participating in elections is ‌not just a right but a responsibility.

Q: In your recent conversation with ​Mika Brzezinski, you‌ challenged the reasons people give for avoiding the polls. What do you think is holding people back?

Stevie Nicks: There are countless reasons people‌ cite for⁤ not engaging, from busy schedules ⁣to feeling overwhelmed ‌by the current political climate. But when I asked,‌ “Is an hour too much ‌to ask?” it was a call to⁤ put things in perspective. Everyone can spare an hour to exercise their right⁣ to vote, and I believe ​if people‌ truly understood‌ the impact of their participation, they would ⁤think twice before staying home.

Q: You⁤ mentioned endorsing Vice President Kamala⁢ Harris⁢ and the importance of ‌aligning ⁣with⁤ candidates who reflect personal values. How do you suggest voters go about‍ researching candidates?

Stevie Nicks: Research is critical. I recommend that everyone take the time ‍to⁢ look into each candidate’s platform, their⁤ past actions, and their⁢ values. There are many resources available online, such as non-partisan voter guides and fact-checking websites. By understanding what each candidate stands for, voters can make an informed decision that⁢ resonates ​with their⁤ beliefs.

Q: Your recent Instagram post⁤ emphasized the urgency of registration before the election. Why do you think this election is particularly important?

Stevie⁣ Nicks: This election could be one of the most consequential decisions many of us will ever make. ⁣We are ‌at a crossroads where policies ⁢that affect ‌our lives are on the line, from climate change to healthcare. Our world is changing⁤ rapidly, and I ⁣urge everyone to get involved—whether it’s registering to vote or actively participating in discussions around‌ the⁢ issues at stake.

Q: ‌What ⁣advice would you give to those who are unsure about voting or feel apathetic towards the⁣ political process?

Stevie Nicks: ⁢My⁣ advice is simple: don’t underestimate your voice. Every ⁣vote matters. Get⁣ out there, talk‌ to friends and family about the⁢ issues, ‌and don’t ‍hesitate to reach out to⁤ local organizations‍ that can provide information and support.‍ It’s time to reclaim our democracy as ⁣a⁣ community. Your ⁢voice is your power—let’s use it!

Editor at⁤ Thank you so much for your insights, Stevie. Your passion for voter engagement ⁢is inspiring and serves as a powerful reminder of ‌the importance of‌ participating in our democracy, especially during significant elections.

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