2024-10-17 18:30:00
Open letter to Emmanuel Macron
Mr President,
In his general policy speech on January 30, 2024, your former Prime Minister having said that :
« Break: repair. Dirty: clean. You challenge authority: we teach you to respect it. »
Knowing that you have made misinformation one of your battles, I also took the liberty of adding ” you lie about public accounts, you go to jail, you pollute information, you pay » to the attention of your Minister of Economy and Finance who should have provided on his own behalf» save the French economy » and intended for “ bring the Russian economy to its knees ».
This has to change.
“Break, repair,
you dirty, you clean,
you challenge authority, you are taught to respect it,
lie about public accounts, go to jail,
if you pollute the information, you pay”. pic.twitter.com/5UhT4UmBa6— Xavier Azalbert FreeSpeech 🇧🇷 🇫🇷 (@xazalbert) September 23, 2024
But, as usual, in the speeches of politicians, full of these good intentions that they try to apply to citizens… they don’t apply them to themselves.
However, it turns out that in seven years at the helm of the country, you broke and dirtied almost everything which, before your arrival at the Elysée, was still the pride of France. This France is strong, just, united and respected abroad, faithful to the motto of the Republic (” Freedom, equality, fraternity “) and faithful to its principle (” Government of the people, by the people and for the people “), whose institutions you have also abused and outraged, exceeding your prerogatives, shamelessly and on numerous occasions. (1)
In a recent exclusive poll by France-Soir/BonSens.org, only 3% think you are leading the country in the right direction and 85% think politicians should be criminally responsible for their actions. Just observe the virtual absence of “justice rulings” that your close “collaborators” have had in court, thus creating a further disconnect between those who govern and those who, still today, pay the endless bill for their mistakes. Let’s take Aurélien Rousseau, then Minister of Health, who declared, on a radio channel, that vaccines are safe and effective and that there are no side effects. The CJR will not draw consequences from its lies, 48% of French people think sothere are too many side effects of the covid vaccination. The disconnect is obvious to the point that only 34% think that the covid crisis has been well managed, and 50% are calling for a covid commission in the face of the many lies from the various health ministers, Olivier Véran in the lead. Without obviously forgetting Eric Dupont-Moretti, not guilty, or the magistrate who prostituted his daughter who finds himself alone in front of the Chamber of Magistrates. Or even Senator Guerriau who, without knowing it, would have used drugs to try to obtain sexual favors. Not to mention, obviously, the police violence against the demonstrators (yellow vests, nurses, pension reform, etc.) so numerous and significant that the UN called France into question, a France that did not deign to respond .
Consider the 54% of French people think that public accounts are not sincere and are disguised by your government, and for this reason For 68% there is too much corruption In France. Add that for 58% the Barnier government will not be able to change anything and that for 57% censorship is increasingly visible in France. And what about France’s influence in the world which, according to 65%, is decreasing, and with 67% believing that the risk of nuclear conflict is increasingly present.
The French social contract is endangered by your actions, accompanied moreover by your manifest, claimed and permanent contempt for fundamental citizenship and for the results of the polls. You never stopped challenging the authority of the sovereign: the French people.
Therefore, on behalf of the French people, of which I am a part, I present to you the bill (2):
- The increase in public debt is still ongoing: 1,150 billion. Without any reduction being visible. There is even the presumption of wanting to increase the budget of the Elysée, the National Assembly and the Senate while asking the people to ration themselves.
AND drifting deficit with more than predictable trajectory errors as explained the economist Marc Touati with the Fitch agency predicting a terrible debt/GDP ratio of 118.5% in 2028.
Budget policy is applied by Bercy, but its main orientations have been arbitrated together since 2017 by the Prime Minister and the President, under their… pic.twitter.com/AuN2BABoki— Hervé Hannoun (@HerveHannoun) October 15, 2024
- Del jobs lost with the destruction of industry, SMEs and crafts: estimate of 500-700 billion in 7 years. This is not new, an INSEE report already spoke about it in 2010, but it has accelerated with ” experts predicting a high tide in 2025 »: 250 thousand jobs in danger, +25% bankruptcies.
- Covid (purchase of vaccines, vaccination, side effects, “annoyance to the unvaccinated”, partial unemployment and other expenses “at any cost” for the taxpayer): estimated at 600 billion, but of which only 180 billion can be traced. Where did the 420 billion go?
- Destruction of public services, social security and transport: 150-200 billion
- Destruction of France’s energy independence with your decision to dogmatically close Fessenheim and then propose a new nuclear power plant: 130-180 billion
- Foreign trade deficit (non-competitiveness of France, termination of contracts and loss of markets abroad, due to the haughty and condescending behavior of Emmanuel 1ᵉʳ, “Contemptuous of the Republic” and insulting towards its former colonies): 75 to 150 billion .
- Artificial inflation: 100 billion
- Support for Ukraine: 38 billion recalculated by Hervé Hannoun but probably more if indirect aid is considered with a Franco-Ukrainian agreement which probably violates the constitution. Was it done knowingly?
- Expenses of exorbitant functioning of the Elysée and the ministries: 80 billion
- Organization and conduct of early legislative elections in 2024: 250 million.
- and organization, security, food and alcohol (and more?) of dinners for King Emmanuel I, his guests and his court, at the expense of the princess, at Versailles and elsewhere: 30 million.
This gives us a total of 1,150,000,000,000 euros. (3)
Thus confirming your status as the super-Madoff of French politics which you seem to relegate despite everything to the rank of small coups with your 50 billion dollars evaporated in a Ponzi pyramid.
YES! You were not content to simply break and dirty here and there: in turn you mocked, disrespected, polluted, destroyed and brought shame almost everywhere you intervened. Thus, the cost of renewing France is extremely high. At the peak of your exuberant spending habits.
You have destroyed the school, destroyed the hospital, destroyed the industry, destroyed the SMEs, destroyed the crafts, destroyed public services, destroyed transport, destroyed social security and destroyed democracy, and in the same way you have destroyed freedom , equality and fraternity, taking advantage of the help to the media that have lost all independence. And what about the forced invisibility of citizens who dared to hinder you on your destructive path by opposing arguments that we now know to be justified? And I’m not talking about the ruling caste, including the opposition, whose game is to manage the situation, so inevitably the bill is high.
As for the damages that you would have to pay, also, normally, also by way of compensation for the moral damage you have caused, both to France itself and to the French citizens, despite its gigantic substantiality, we have set their amount in symbolic euros.
In fact, the Minister of Economy and Finance who accompanied you in this methodical destruction of the country, leaving us with an ever-expanding public debt, we considered it inappropriate, for the moment, to push him even further until he expressed “his truth” to the Finance Committee. We preferred to confine it to the Manichean esoteric symbolism to which you are linked, as we were able to see, once again, with the images of the apocalypse “of every kind”, present in abundance during the opening and closing ceremonies of your Olympic Games : sexual depravity elevated to the rank of norm and the cult of diabolical symbols that do not correspond to France, presented these games as they were, to the whole world, on these two occasions.
That’s where we are today, in terms of what you should do, I would say, towards the French. That is, despite the impossibility, at present, of bringing you before an assize court for your possible crimes, due to the criminal immunity from which you benefit, despite the fact that the possibility of falsification of public writings is a very serious and which should alert all French people. Unless a constitutional amendment, say on July 14, 2027, duly redresses this injustice (and “failure of justice”), with retroactive effect from May 5, 2017. A referendum along these lines, it seems, would be highly successful. if we are to believe the few French people (3%) who still think she is leading the country in the right direction.
And, as for the settlement of all accounts relating to the surplus, in May 2027 an appointment is made with you and all the members of the crew of the “Titanic” which you sent away from the ship France, this ship which you deliberately sank . Thrown onto the giant iceberg of your Jovian delusions.
Polluters, criminals and liars of all kinds: the moment of reckoning has arrived.
PS: France-Soir no the only media to hold state hustlers accountable:
PPS: the worst is that” Mister disaster ” East happy with him :
I just want to tell you how proud I am to have served you for 7 years. pic.twitter.com/LFgSaLXFq5
—Bruno Le Maire (@BrunoLeMaire) September 12, 2024
1) especially the last one: “ the grenade unlocked » that you boasted of having “ thrown in the legs » of democracy. Uncontainable boast of a dangerous madman, and illustration of your declared will, of the generalized chaos that materializes the “ Because it’s our project! » disastrous you have for France, this political attack was followed, moreover, by an institutional hostage-taking: your illegal monopolization of constitutional, executive and regulatory powers, during the 51 days during which, on the basis of fallacious pretexts, you left France without a government.
2) main damages and fixed minimum amounts, to be compensated in full and immediately.
3) estimates to be refined.
#account #fracture