2024-10-11 16:42:00
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The 2025 budget provides for a “technical” reform of this assistance intended for low-income families. But this could cause the non-appeal rate to explode, left-wing voices warn.
In the entourage of Budget Minister Laurent Saint-Martin, we defend “a technical reform of the payment method due to the abolition of the house tax”. “No changes in scope and eligibility criteria”we add from the same source. “Its amount does not change”joins the office of Minister Delegate for Energy Olga Givernet. However, changing the payment method could increase the rate of non-use of this aid, the annual amount of which varies between 48 euros and 277 euros.
In detail, the reform aims to “base the eligibility conditions of beneficiaries on the dual criteria of their financial situation and their employment in an accommodation identified as their main residence”. “In order to cross-reference these two pieces of information (income and housing), eligibility for the energy verification will be based on the cross-referencing of the number of the electricity delivery point of the home (…) and the fiscal parameters (reference income tax and annex) of the tax company”develops the exposition of the reasons for the reform. Until now, eligible families were identified through income tax and housing tax.
Read alsoBudget 2025: businesses, taxes, electricity, transport… What you need to know about the measures presented
No more automatic mailings for everyone
As a consequence of this change, linked to the elimination of the house tax, the energy allowance – from which 5.6 million low-income families benefited in 2024 – will no longer be sent automatically to all eligible families. “We are reconstructing another mechanism to have this automaticity”the Minister of Ecological Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher indicated in a press conference on Friday. Alone “part of the energy controls” they can then be sent automatically. Former beneficiaries will benefit, “as soon as it is ascertained that they still satisfy the income condition”.
“On the other hand, families will have to report”the minister specified. A “ticket office” An online platform will therefore probably be created on which new potential beneficiaries will have to submit the request themselves. This choice was made, the executive justifies, a “ensure the uniqueness of the provision of an energy allowance for accommodation”in other words to avoid duplicate payments. But “the objective is to finally have, in a fairly short time, a system that allows us to return to automatic control and reduce non-recourse rates to a minimum”, assured Agnès Pannier-Runacher this Friday.
As soon as the information revealed by Mediapart On Tuesday, voices on the left were raised against this reform which, according to the news site, could bring almost 1 billion euros into the state coffers. “The government is preparing to torpedo energy control. A new disguised increase in taxes on the poorest”denounced the deputy and national coordinator of France Insoumise (LFI) Manuel Bompard on X.
“Under the cover of a “technical” reform, it is a real dirty game, which consists in exploiting the lack of recourse to save, while 6 million French people are already in energy poverty”for his part, he criticized the LFI MP for Essonne Claire Lejeune. The Climate Action Network has also adopted this measure: “By deciding to end automatic aid, the Government is trying to ensure that people already below the minimum wage do not use the aid they are entitled to!”deplored the federation of associations fighting climate change.
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