He Government changed his speech. He doesn’t talk about the elimination of the subsidy of the extra gasoline y eco country and in its place proposes a system of stabilization of prices.
Regardless of the change in terms, the effect will be the same, increment of the price of those fuels.
The mechanism begins with equating the sale price of the gasoline with the international price. If the decision were applied today, the extra gasoline would rise 25 cents and would be sold in USD 2.72 cents he gallon and the ecocountry gasoline would rise 30 cents and its selling price would be USD 2.77 cents for each gallon.
Once that is done increment the stabilization system will be applied prices o bands from among the 5 y 10% in case of abrupt fluctuations at international scale.
There is still no date for its application and that will depend on the functioning of the dialogue tables between the Government and the carriers.
With the proposed measurethe Government plans trigger and annual savings estimated at about USD 400 million.
New gasoline price from June 12
From this Wednesday June 12 is modified precio of the Gasoline super, while the price of extra and ecocountry remains.
Petroecuador every month he makes one updateand from today the gallon of super gasoline is from USD 4.11 cents. The price is lower than the month of May, since the gallon cost USD 4.21 cents.