According to the Deputy Mayor of Education, Antonis Vardakis, the mobilization was immediate. “We followed the instructions sent to us by the health department, the cleaners came in and cleaned the school and then a specialized partner took over the disinfection of the area. We have been waiting since Monday for an official announcement from the Ministry of Health to tell us if and for how long the school will be closed and the reasons for this. Once medication is taken, however, there is no reason to stop it. This preventive treatment is a pill that will be accepted by the people who were in the area with the situation, ie teachers, workers and students”.
Norwegian scabies: What it is and how it spreads
Scabies is a skin disease caused by a parasite. The human scabies mite Sarcoptes scabiei var.hominis affects the skin. The tiny female scabies burrows into the top layer of skin where she lives and lays her eggs. The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching, especially at night, and a pimple-like rash. The itching is more intense during the evening hours because at that time the scabies mite is more active due to the body temperature.
How is scabies spread?
Scabies is transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact with a person who is already infected with scabies or with contaminated objects. It is a highly contagious disease and can be easily transmitted through close physical and skin-to-skin contact. The disease has a global spread and affects people of all races and social groups.
There are two types of scabies. Scabies and Norwegian scabies.
Norwegian scabies
Norwegian scabies is a more severe and highly contagious form of the disease, with an increased parasite load, which usually occurs in immunocompromised or elderly or debilitated or disabled people, with extensive presence of skin lesions (extensive presence of scald-hyperkeratotic plaques ., concentrated «crushes», scales), which can be transmitted even by short direct contact with the skin of the sufferer or with contaminated objects used by the sufferer (such as clothes, bedding, furniture). People with Norwegian scabies may not show the usual scabies symptoms, such as the characteristic rash or pruritus (itching), and should receive prompt and aggressive medical treatment for their infection to prevent scabies outbreaks.
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