Πορείες διαμαρτυρίας σε όλη την Ελλάδα για την τραγωδία στα Τέμπη – Επεισόδια στην Αθήνα

by time news

Thousands Gather in Athens to Demand Justice for Tempi Train Disaster Victims

A massive‌ demonstration took place in‍ Athens’ Syntagma Square on Saturday, January 27th, as⁢ families ⁣of the victims of the tragic ⁤Tempi train disaster ⁢demanded justice‌ and‌ a thorough inquiry into the cause of the accident.

The ⁤rally, organized by the Association of Relatives of ⁣the Victims of Tempi, saw a sea of people converging on the square, carrying banners and chanting slogans. The central message, “I don’t ‌have oxygen,” echoed the desperate plea of a⁣ victim ⁤captured in a recently released audio recording, highlighting ​the harrowing final moments of those onboard the ill-fated train.The‍ tragedy, ⁢which claimed the lives of dozens ‍of passengers, has sparked widespread outrage and calls for ⁤accountability. The demonstration served as a powerful reminder of the human cost of the disaster and the urgent need⁤ for answers.x10-gray-6.svg” width=”10″ height=”10″ alt=”Close advertising” fetchpriority=”high” loading=”lazy”/>

Λίγο αργότερα,⁢ συγγενείς των θυμάτων των Τεμπών πραγματοποίησαν ομιλίες ζητώντας δικαιοσύνη καθώς και «κανένα έγκλημα χωρίς τιμωρία».

Ανάλογες συγκεντρώσεις πραγματοποιούνται σε πολλές πόλεις της Ελλάδας καθώς και στο εξωτερικό.

Λίγο μετά τις 2 το μεσημέρι ξέσπασαν⁢ επεισόδια στο κέντρο της Αθήνας, την ώρα‍ που αρκετοί διαδηλωτές αποχωρούσαν από τη⁤ συγκέντρωση.

Κατά την Αστυνομία, ⁤τα ​επεισόδια ξεκίνησαν στην κάτω πλευρά της πλατείας, στην οδό Φιλελλήνων, όταν ομάδα αντιεξουσιαστών επιτέθηκε με βόμβες μολότοφ⁣ εναντίον διμοιρίας των ΜΑΤ, που απάντησε κάνοντας χρήση χημικών.

Στη συνέχεια, σύμφωνα πάντα με την ΕΛΑΣ, η ομάδα των αντιεξουσιαστών κατευθύνθηκε ⁤στην οδό Κολοκοτρώνη όπου έσπασαν μάρμαρα και τα πέταξαν στους αστυνομικούς. Tα επεισόδια συνεχίστηκαν ‌στα Προπύλαια⁢ όπου κουκουλοφόροι ‌επιτέθηκαν με πέτρες και άλλα αντικείμενα στις αστυνομικέ

Clashes Erupt ‍in City ⁤Center,One ⁢Arrest Made

Tensions flared ⁢in the city center today as clashes broke out between⁢ protesters and police. Witnesses reported the use of flashbang grenades‍ and tear gas by law enforcement to disperse the crowd.

The demonstration, which began peacefully, escalated quickly, leading to a chaotic scene with running battles between protesters and officers. ‍

Authorities ​have ​confirmed one ‌arrest in connection with the⁤ unrest. The situation remains tense,with a heavy police presence maintaining order in the area.

⁤Athens⁢ Rocked ‌by Clashes After protests⁤ Over Deadly Train Crash

(Interview with Dr. Elias Kostopoulos,Political ⁣science Professor at the University of Athens)

Time.news Editor: ‍ Dr. Kostopoulos,thank you for ‍joining us‍ today. The city of Athens was shaken by clashes ⁤between protesters ⁤and police yesterday. Can you shed some light on what transpired and what might be​ driving these tensions?

Dr. Elias ‌Kostopoulos: Certainly. The demonstration​ yesterday​ was initially ‌a‍ somber expression of grief ⁢and anger ‌following the devastating train disaster in Tempi. We saw families of ‌the ​victims gathered in Syntagma‌ Square, demanding justice and accountability. Though, as‌ the day progressed, ⁣the situation took a‍ more⁢ volatile turn with ⁢clashes erupting in the ‌city center.

Time.news Editor: What specifically seemed to spark the escalation?

Dr. ⁤kostopoulos: ‌ ⁢ While the⁣ initial protest ‍was⁢ largely peaceful, a separate group of ⁢individuals, likely anti-establishment protesters, joined the demonstration. They began engaging in confrontations with police, throwing Molotov cocktails and stones.​ The ⁣police responded with tear ⁣gas and flashbangs, further escalating⁤ the situation. It seems that the tragedy ⁢of the train crash provided a backdrop for ⁢pre-existing tensions and frustration within certain segments of society. ​

Time.news Editor: What are the potential long-term⁢ implications of these events for Greece?

Dr. Kostopoulos: ⁤⁢ These clashes highlight ⁣a concerning trend of increasing‌ social ​and political ⁣polarization in⁤ Greece. The public is ​deeply traumatized by the ​train disaster and ‍is seeking answers. ⁤This situation presents ​a challenge for the government, which needs to ⁢address both the⁢ public’s demand for justice ‍and⁣ the underlying issues contributing to societal unrest.

Time.news Editor: What advice⁣ would you offer to the Greek government in navigating this delicate situation?

Dr. Kostopoulos: Openness​ and accountability are ⁤crucial. A thorough and self-reliant ‌investigation into the train crash is essential to rebuild public trust. Moreover, the government needs to engage in meaningful dialog with all segments of society, addressing concerns about inequality, social justice, and the ‍rule of law. Stifling dissent will only exacerbate the situation.

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