尹 “Expand immunity provisions to ensure that police are protected from legitimate law enforcement”

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“Crimes that cause suffering to the common people will be pursued to the end and severely punished.”

President Yoon Seok-yeol is giving a congratulatory speech at the ceremony commemorating the 79th National Police Day held at the National Police Agency in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul on the 21st. 2024.10.21. Newsis”/>

President Yoon Seok-yeol is giving a congratulatory speech at the ceremony commemorating the 79th National Police Day held at the National Police Agency in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul on the 21st. 2024.10.21. Newsis

President Yoon Seok-yeol said on the 21st, “We will spare no efforts, including expanding immunity provisions, to ensure that the legitimate law enforcement of the police receives national protection.”

President Yoon said this in a commemorative speech commemorating the 79th Police Day held at the Seodaemun-gu Police Agency in Seoul on this day, saying, “The government will provide more active support in the future.” President Yoon has attended the Police Day ceremony for three consecutive years since taking office.

He continued, “We will quickly build the Asan Police Hospital and further expand support for police officers killed in the line of duty or injured in the line of duty,” and added, “We will also significantly expand the training infrastructure so that police officers in the field can develop their capabilities.”

President Yoon said, “We are now facing a new threat that has never existed before,” adding, “Aberrantly motivated crimes that threaten an unspecified number of people are threatening the daily lives of the people. Gangsters are expanding their territory to all types of crimes against the public, including malicious fraud. “Drugs and cyber gambling are infiltrating the daily lives of our children, threatening the future of the Republic of Korea,” he said.

He continued, “New crimes abusing cutting-edge technologies such as AI and deepfakes are rapidly increasing, and fake news is also continuing. In order to combat new threats, the police must develop faster and change proactively.”

President Yoon said, “Above all, crimes against the livelihood of the common people that cause pain to the common people must be pursued and severely punished,” and ordered, “I hope that all criminal profits and funding sources will be recovered and the link to the criminal ecosystem will be fundamentally severed.”

He also said, “For crimes targeting the weak, such as stalking, domestic violence, and child abuse, the law must be enforced strongly from the beginning of the case to break the offender’s will to commit crime.” “I hope that a tight safety net will be built to protect victims, including psychological treatment support.”

In addition, “I hope that investigative capabilities will be increased in line with the pace of development of cutting-edge technology,” he said. “We must accelerate the development of an identification system for false and manipulated content such as deepfakes and eradicate digital sex crimes through collaboration with relevant agencies.” “I hope you respond quickly and strongly to fake news,” he said.

The importance of advance prevention was also emphasized. President Yoon said, “Once a crime has occurred, it is difficult to reverse the damage to the lives and bodies of the people,” and added, “We will closely detect causes of instability centered on the newly established mobile patrol unit and criminal mobile unit, and provide prompt action in urgent moments when the public’s safety is threatened.” “Please respond appropriately,” he said.

Prior to this, President Yoon honored police heroes who died while dedicating themselves to the country and the people, including the late Na Seong-ju, Sergeant Jang Jin-hee, Inspector Shim Jae-ho, and Inspector Lee Jae-hyun, and presented the ‘Police Hero Plaque’ to their bereaved families and paid tribute. In addition, medals of honor were awarded to three people and two organizations who made significant contributions to national social development.

#President Yoon Seok-yeol#Police Day

Kim Hye-rin, Donga.com reporter sinnala8@donga.com

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