[단독]Prime Minister’s Office begins intelligence investigation into corruption at the Korea Sports Council… Government puts pressure on all fronts following request for audit by Board of Audit and Inspection

by times news cr

All 6 investigators from one team were sent to the scene
Budget use – look at electoral college management, etc.
“It means that we will definitely check the suspicions of the sports council.”

Lee Ki-heung, president of the Korea Sports Council, attended the general meeting of the National Assembly Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee on the 24th of last month as a witness and answered questions from lawmakers. News 1

The Public Service Management Office of the Office for Government Policy Coordination under the Prime Minister’s Office began an investigation on the 8th after receiving information about irregularities related to the Korea Sports Council. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested the prosecution to investigate the Korea Sports Council in May and requested a public interest audit from the Board of Audit and Inspection last month, and the Public Service Management Office began an investigation in the nature of a public service inspection.

According to Dong-A Ilbo’s coverage, the Public Service Management Office sent all six investigators from one team to the Korea Sports Council in Songpa-gu, Seoul on this day to conduct an on-site investigation. Government official A said on the 8th, “We started an investigation because we had intelligence that the Sports Council’s business was handled inappropriately.” It is known that the Public Service Management Office is focusing on suspicions of misconduct related to the Korean Sports Association’s use of government-supported budget and the management of the sports president’s electoral college, etc. in this investigation.

The Public Service Management Office investigates allegations of misconduct by employees of government ministries, local governments, and affiliated organizations. Secret surveillance is also carried out. Among the duties listed on the website is ‘processing of instructions from the President and Prime Minister related to public servant service management’. As the Special Inspector General’s Office of the Blue House Senior Secretary for Civil Affairs, which had been leading the inspection of public offices, was abolished under the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, the Public Service Management Office took charge of the inspection of public offices.

Regarding this investigation, government official B said, “We cannot reveal the details of the intelligence,” but added, “There are parts that need to be confirmed separately from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s request for a public interest audit.” This official said, “The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested the prosecution to investigate the Sports Council and even requested a public interest audit from the Board of Audit and Inspection. However, the fact that they are conducting a separate investigation this time can be seen as an indication that they will make sure to confirm the facts of the allegations related to the Sports Council before moving on.” .

[단독]Prime Minister’s Office begins intelligence investigation into corruption at the Korea Sports Council… Government puts pressure on all fronts following request for audit by Board of Audit and Inspection

On the 12th of last month, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested a public interest audit of the Sports Council from the Board of Audit and Inspection, citing the following as reasons for the request: △ pushing work to specific companies △ reckless use of the Sports Council’s own budget △ excessive contracting that may violate the National Contract Act △ unilateral cancellation of the Paris Olympic team disbanding ceremony . Previously, in May, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested the Korea Sports Council to be investigated by the prosecution, saying there was suspicion of collusion between the service company and the Sports Council officials during the facility management service contract for the Jincheon National Team Athletes’ Village in North Chungcheong Province. The Seoul Eastern District Prosecutors’ Office is conducting a related investigation. The Board of Audit and Inspection is reviewing a request for a public interest audit of the Sports Council and has not yet decided to initiate an audit.

If the information about the sports association’s misconduct is confirmed to be true in this investigation, the Public Service Management Office is expected to request an investigation into the person involved. The Public Service Management Office has no investigative authority. Last July, we requested an investigation into 36 people during the Osong Underpass disaster, in which 14 people died due to heavy rain.

At the board of directors meeting held on the 8th, the Sports Council explained the agenda of ‘Request for a public interest audit by the Board of Audit and Inspection of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’ to the directors attending the meeting. On the 13th of last month, a day after the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested a public interest audit, the Sports Council said, “We welcome the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s request for a public interest audit and plan to actively cooperate with the audit. “In order to ensure a fair and balanced audit by the Board of Audit and Inspection, we plan to submit a request for a public interest audit on the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s illegal and unfair sports practices to the Board of Audit and Inspection in accordance with the necessary procedures,” he said. Prior to requesting a public interest audit against the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the relevant details were explained to the directors that day.

#Public Service Management Office#Korea Sports Council

Reporter Kim Jeong-hoon hun@donga.com
Reporter Ko Do-ye yea@donga.com

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2024-10-08 22:38:56

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