● Thoughts on winning
![[신춘문예 100주년]Poetry is far from joy, but writing poetry is ‘joy’ [신춘문예 100주년]Poetry is far from joy, but writing poetry is ‘joy’](
If you’re happy but also scared, does that mean you’re full? Still, it’s better than being hungry, right? I feel overwhelmed by the news of my election. I felt like I was saying that from now on, people reading your writing might not know who they are. Now is now. 99.99% of the time I don’t know who you are. So I’m going to grab someone and talk to them. Thanks for reading. I’m doing well too.
There was a time when I envied people who were called geniuses. One-stroke mastery, quick-witted murder, inspiration and beauty. But even if I tried to follow it, it didn’t work. So, I just decided to think and write instead of fooling around. I am the biggest fool. Like a roll of toilet paper that goes away when you let it go, like a blue-footed boobie that catches you if you catch it. As if he was so ignorant that he didn’t even know how to hate someone.
You won’t know what you knew, you won’t cry, but you will cry, and you will break the Italian spaghetti noodles in two and boil them. It’s too easy to go to each of your non-existent enemies and say, “I forgive you.” He’s the best at saying stupid things. If you hear him say it, you’ll think it’s a compliment. Isn’t it good to be first?
Of course, even if you think about it, poetry is far from joy. Nevertheless, writing poetry must be a joy. I feel like I’m wearing blue soles right now. Even if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re probably going somewhere. I feel comfortable with Hyeongjun because we have similar thoughts and attitudes. Yongjun, Minseong, Junhyung, Yeeun, and Yeondeok became our connection as if the writing continued as we wrote. Jimin helped me with the final revision. I am grateful to the judges who pointed me out and to the countless students who gave me their place as the winner. Yeongchan, Taeseon, Seongi, and Yoongon are proud of being stubborn but not evil either. My family is clearly modeled after heaven. I am also eternally grateful to Mrs. Lee Hak-soon, who taught me how to pray.
△Born in Daejeon in 1992
Successfully eliciting thoughts about life and death with small images
● Review

It was a review process that made us think about the paradox that the more we ask for from a city, the less weight we have to give. It is widely known that modern poetry is struggling with the weight of having to bear the ‘passion for reality (or reality)’ more than ever before. However, it cannot be solved either by listing abstract words with the expectation of having a considerable mass, or by being wordy without language economy. To put it bluntly, focusing on the works that were selected for this year’s main examination, it is clearly noticeable that reducing and cutting is more important than expanding and stacking. ‘Inside the Ear’ first attracted attention with its neat statement and smooth metaphor. It is a topic that fits well with the current situation when the weight and depth of listening is desperately needed. However, ‘Is this section absolutely necessary?’ A number of passages that seemed difficult to handle the question stood out, especially in the latter part of the poem. Poetry is a world of making a fortune, and it is a genre that struggles with language with moderation as the topic. In the case of ‘Resolution and Fruition’, the situation was similar. This is a work in which the internal logic of the poem unfolds without difficulty and makes the reader accept the message at the end. However, the looseness, plainness, and verbosity of the part presented just before reaching the end will likely remain as a disappointment for a long time.
In that respect, ‘history’ deserved to be the subject of final review. The central theme was the death of a grandmother, but instead of describing the incident in detail, the naturalness of gathering small images to get closer to the incident stood out. Through this, it is successful in eliciting the reader’s thoughts about life and death. It is a work written skillfully and without unnecessary details. I shake your hand in congratulations, hoping that your skill will lead to more adventures.
Poet Jeong Ho-seung and Jo Kang-seok, literary critic (Professor of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University)
- great
- 0dog
- I’m sad
- 0dog
- I’m angry
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