3 changes that it has caused in doctors

by time news

2024-01-21 20:10:57

The relationship between health and internet has generated positive results for decades. Just conducting a medical consultation is quite different today compared to what happened decades ago.

Over time, the Internet has permeated all areas of daily life, from the simplest activities to topics as important as healthwhere it has been a fundamental part of the emergence of sectors such as healthtech.

Impact of the internet on the health sector

Although the practice doctor exists all over the world, even in certain places where the reach of the network is limited, today the existence of the information industry could not be explained. health and specifically of the sector without talking about the use of internet.

There are three key areas in which the use of this tool has facilitated the development of the health industry. With this, it has allowed advances to reach important achievements such as the development of vaccines in record time and international coordination to face global health threats, such as pandemics.

Exercise of medical practice

Although the telemedicine It has a history since the 1960s, the evolution of teleconsultations and diagnoses has been growing until reaching a boom during the Covid-19 pandemic that caused the necessary isolation.

The network itself was a key element that allowed thousands of health professionals to connect with people who needed medical services and that they could not receive them in person.

Hospital management

One of the biggest beneficiaries of the network, since in addition to improving the normal administrative processes of any institution, the network allows connecting healthcare professionals with a network of institutions with information for the benefit of the patient and the sector in general.

The arrival of tools such as marketplaces health suppliesconnected in a network, were fundamental for the development of a robust and competitive industry.

Investigation and development

Advances in medical research have caused life expectancy to grow 5.5 years since the beginning of this century, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) before the Covid-19 pandemic.

The role of information on the network and data stored in the cloud allow access in seconds to research carried out anywhere in the world, even its translation if necessary, thanks to network services. Institutes of Medicine, independent researchers and international organizations can today be connected from anywhere in the world by developing joint research.

Background of the use of the internet in the health sector

The appearance of the internet is dated 1969, the year in which it was created ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a computer network that connected various universities in the United States. Despite being a project of military origin, it would soon be given more uses in all industries.

The network in the last 50 years has been a powerful tool to make the Health sector be more dynamic, which allows personnel involved in medical care and hospital administration to be proactive by integrating them into the debates that occur in the academic field and in the field of research worldwide, reducing travel costs and enriching the conversation from different visions.

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